Antifa Threatens the Nation If Trump Is Acquitted in a Sham Trial
Members and groups within the so-called Anti-Fascism Movement in the United States are intensifying their Internet communications, especially within the ‘Deep Web’ and they are intent in fully galvanizing the Hate-Trump activists to start a wave of civil disobedience in selected regions of the United States., a part of the national Antifa movement, is a large organization of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through a broad based movement – #OUTNOW! – of non-violent protests that grow every day until their demand is met.
A Failed Frame Up Attempt Is Being Handed-Off by Democrats to Their Thugs
Trump is on trial in the Senate. Democrats have finished presenting their argument for conviction and removal, but with Republicans stonewalling the entire process, the most likely outcome is a quick acquittal in a sham trial. But Antifa is urging then American people to act now, flooding the streets of D.C. and cities and towns across the country in sustained, non-violent protest demanding removal. Unfortunately, the Antifa events usually become riots and criminal acts such as arson, assaults, looting and other “rebellious acts.”
According to one of many messages floating around cyberspace, Antifa claims “a fascist movement is advancing. 22,000 heavily armed people converged on Richmond, Virginia on MLK Day with a violent white supremacist program and threats of civil war at its core. Trump presided over the so-called “March for Life,” where 100,000 people, many of them youth indoctrinated into Christian-Fascist fundamentalism, marched to ban abortion and force women to have children against their will. This is the future if we do not step out in visible, collective, non-violent opposition.” Of course, the heavily armed people in Virginia were not pushing fascism but instead were protesting the governor’s attempts to disarm law-abiding citizens. Also, the March for Life was a peaceful gathering to voice the opinions of more than half the U.S. population.
“Fascism has been unfolding. Concentration camps on the border… environmental devastation accelerated… war, even nuclear war, threatened… white supremacist rule… fascist mobs and racist mass murderers… truth and science erased… the right to abortion near gone… the rule of law and democratic and civil rights stripped away….”
All this and more will be accelerated and locked in if Trump is allowed to remain in power. Imagine the vengeance and entitlement to go forward with a program that puts the entire planet and all of humanity in its crosshairs.
Although the documents reproduced below by intelligence analyst and instructor Dr. Lyle Rapacki detail events surrounding the Baltimore riots back in 2015, they still contain valuable intelligence describing organizational, training, and operational methods for a number of George Soros organizations under the umbrella of the ANTIFA movement (Anti-Fascism Group).

The revelation of these documents and content demonstrate that training and monies were very much a part of the riots as earlier Intel reports revealed they most likely would be, according to Dr. Rapacki in his latest law enforcement and security briefing.
The documents – provided to the editor of Conservative Base by Rapacki — reveal a high level of organizational structure, with strong financial backing, and well-planned and practiced tactics. “It is highly anticipated that future confrontations will be better prepared, equipped, organized and financed,” said Rapacki, who owns and operates the private security firm Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC.
Confidential documents appearing to belong to Friends of Democracy – an activist group run by George Soros’ son Jonathan Soros – describe an acceleration of civil unrest to justify the rollout of martial law nationwide. According to intelligence experts, the goal of such action is to throw the nation into a state of chaos with citizens battling the proponents of the Deep State ‘puppetmasters.’
According to the documents (reprinted below), the group sought to use the protests over the death of Freddie Gray – who died while in police custody – as a detonator for larger violent demonstrations in the Baltimore area. “Do not worry about violent action, we have secured limited protections from friendly BWI officials and LE to permit some aggressive activity,” one ANTIFA memo states.
Dates mentioned in the documents, Saturday April 18, 2015 and Saturday April 25, 2015, coincide with the actual Baltimore riot dates.
The organization also points out an “ideal post-action objective” would be “civil unrest that leads to deployment of martial law-like policies for BWI, creating a feedback loop.” In other words, a domino effect that would spread nationwide.