Honor killings of young Muslim women in U.S. ignored by Hillary Clinton
While presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tours the United States attempting to convince American voters she is the champion for women’s rights and fair treatment, her kowtowing to the Muslim population is preventing her from addressing the Islamic practice of family honor-killings especially those of young women by their parents and older women by their husbands and siblings.

For example, in an honor-killing that resembled an out-and-out assassination a father in Rocky River, Ohio, on Tuesday fired two rounds from his handgun into the head of his 27-year-old daughter. Police reported that the suspect, 63-year-old Jamal Mansour, snuck into his daughter’s bedroom after midnight and as she slept he fired two shots pointblank into her head as she slept.
Unfortunately, as happens with these incidents involving Muslims, the police and the news media are not discussing the incident even though the victim, Tahini Mansour, is a well-educated, professional woman with a doctorate in pharmaceutical science. In fact, the local cops claim they’re stumped over the motive for the father killing his own child and the media won’t touch the topic, but some say the answer lies hidden in plain view: Shariah law.
Islam experts and former law enforcement officials say the motive is right in front of the investigators and media, but they won’t share that information with the public.
“When [Republican presidential candidate] Trump allegedly calls a Miss Universe winner ‘Miss Piggy,” the Democrats and their fellow-travelers in the media go into feeding frenzy mode. But illegal aliens or Muslims killing people gets scant coverage,” said former police detective Mike Snopes, who investigated sex crimes and homicides in New York.
“Mansour is a Muslim immigrant from Jordan and his alleged execution-style killing of his daughter bears the hallmarks of Islamic honor violence,” Daniel Akbari, a former top Shariah lawyer told World Net Daily. “After shooting Tahini in the forehead, twice, Mansour stood before a judge later that day and said it was an “accident,’” Akbari added.
According to the Department of Justice’s National Criminal Justice Research Service, the term “honor killing” is used to describe the premeditated murder of preadolescent, adolescent, or adult women by one or more male members of the immediate or extended family.
“These killings are often committed when a male family council decides on the time and form of execution due to an allegation, suspicion, or proof of sexual impropriety by the victim,” say NCJRS officials.
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