‘Hollywood Celebrities’ Contribute Millions of Dollars to Thugs and Looters

The president of well-known news media watchdog, Accuracy in Media (AIM), Adam Guillette, in an email sent to the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP) described how he was devastated while viewing the destruction and violence that’s occurring in major U.S. cities. The killing of a black security guard by a white Minneapolis police officer is blamed for the unrestrained anarchy and thievery.
As has happened a number of times during the Obama-Biden administration, Democratic mayors and governors pontificated in front of TV news cameras and radio microphones while police officers throughout the nation were ordered to “stand down” the way U.S. forces were told during the Battle of Benghazi in Libya in 2012. In that event, four Americans were killed and others were wounded, while Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and “Sleepy Joe” Biden were busy searching for an excuse for their inaction.
“Benghazi should have been a wake up call for the American people that these self-serving, corrupt Democratic Party leaders cannot be trusted to protect and serve the American people. These oligarchs don’t care about the patriotic, loyal Americans preferring their own constituency of murderers, rapists, robbers, child abusers, Islamic terrorists, communists, and other miscreants,” claims former NYPD Det. Marilyn Delgado, who has responded to riots during the Mayor David Dinkins administration in Brooklyn.
AIM’s Guillette, in his email to NACOP yesterday, said AIM has learned some truly distressing news:
“Steve Carell, Seth Rogen, Harry Styles and several others are donating to a Minnesota organization that pays the bail for these criminals. As our cities burn, the criminals know an arrest is temporary. Once they’re bailed out they can get back on the street and continue their destruction the next evening.
“This is one of the most historically challenging times in the history of our country. No one should be working to increase divisiveness, and no one should be facilitating the violence on our streets.”
Accuracy in Media was founded in 1969 by a group of concerned citizens, led by economist Reed Irvine, who were troubled by the inaccuracies and bias they saw in the American media. For more than 50 years, they have used investigative journalism and citizen activism to expose media bias, corruption, and public policy failings. According to former Vice President of the National Association of Chiefs of Police Jim Kouri, at no time in American history have the nation’s citizens witnessed such overt corruption, dishonesty, and political activism in American newsrooms as they are witnessing today. And the corruption is getting worse now that members of the so-called entertainment industry — especially the celebrities — are part of the anti-Trump, anti-conservative and pro-socialist movements.