Harris-Biden: The Wicked Witch of the West and the Mentally-Challenged Democrat Pol

A growing number of the American voters are realizing that former Vice President Joe Biden is nothing more than a puppet for the neo-Marxist left, and that Biden’s White House will be run by his Vice President Kamala Harris, according to members of the National Association of Chiefs of Police.
Kamala Harris, the former California State Attorney General, is arguably today’s most radical U.S. Senators, and her political agenda would lead America to Marxist socialism and eventual third-world status.
“Kamala, like her Democratic Party cohorts, have always believed that they could bring impoverished nations up to the same standards Americans enjoy. But that plan has proved to be a total failure,” said former police chief Dennis Frye. “Now the Democrats, including the Deep State minions, want to drag Americans and the U.S. to the level of countries plagued by poverty and insurrection,” he added.
Speaking as if she were the presidential candidate and not the mentally- challenged Biden, Harris stated she will:
- Support Bernie Sanders’ socialist government-run healthcare
- BAN private health insurance plans
- KILL American energy jobs
- Enact the socialist Green New Deal
- Potentially let terrorists and rapists vote from prison
- Give COP MURDERERS a pass
She is also vowing to confiscate guns from law-abiding Americans and destroy 2nd Amendment rights.
“America has come too far under President Trump to allow Phony Kamala to ruin all of his progress,” stated Team Trump.
Despite the Democrats’ propaganda machine — that includes the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, and many others — avoiding the coverage of anything negative about Democrats, it is common knowledge among the political elite in the Deep State that the Democratic Party Presidential candidate Kamala Harris got her start in politics when she was in her twenties and had an extramarital affair with San Francisco’s 60-year-old mayor, Willie Brown.
“In other words, Harris climbed the political ladder the old-fashion way: laying on her back for a top Californian Democrat with ties to the politically powerful,” said Arthur Gibson a former California State Police sergeant who commanded a security unit assigned to protecting certain politicians and government buildings.

Former Mayor Brown, on whose doorstep blame for the deterioration of San Francisco belongs, began to talk about his affair with the young Kamala Harris after she announced her plan to run for president.
Brown’s exposure of the affair earlier this year during an interview with the Daily Wire and other alternative Internet news and commentary sites. However, transcripts and audiotapes has since been buried by the mainstream media to protect Kamala Harris’s presidential ambitions.
“The news media never cared about sexual affairs, except if they involve Republicans. What they care about is having someone who is not a white male – like Kamala Harris – elected POTUS,” said Sgt. Gibson.
Not allowing the media to silence him, San Francisco Mayor Brown is speaking out against Harris, despite their former time as paramours. Brown had some harsh words for Harris and exposed what he claimed some dirty secrets about the past of a woman whose highest office in California’s state government was that of Attorney General and then she won a seat in the U.S. Senate.
“As the state’s ‘top cop’ Harris used her office to pursue a political agenda and as a steppingstone to a higher office,” said Iris Miranda, a former California task force officer.
In a written statement emailed to a number of police and military organizations, Willie Brown said:
“The first Democratic debates proved one thing: We still don’t have a candidate who can beat Donald Trump,” Brown wrote. “California Sen. Kamala Harris got all the attention for playing prosecutor in chief, but her case against former Vice President Joe Biden boiled down in some ways to a ringing call for forced school busing. It won’t be too hard for Trump to knock that one out of the park in 2020.” …
“Yes, we dated,” Brown said. “It was more than 20 years ago.”
“Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker,” Brown continued. “And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.”
“Harris appears to have one main issue: She’s quick to nail white-male opponents to the racist wall as she did with former Vice President Joe Biden on the debate stage over the issue of race.”