Gun Expert: Armed Americans Ready for Self-Defense Against Foreign and Domestic Enemies
With the news media’s wall-to-wall coverage of the violent and destructive acts committed by the so-called ANTIFA (Anti-Fascists), Black Lives Matter (BLM), Soros-backed far-left activists, and the practitioners of radical Islam, is there any wonder that millions of Americans are continuing to purchase rifles, shotguns and handguns at an enormous rate? What is especially disturbing is the news coverage of police officers “standing down” while Americans are seen being beaten and pummeled by anti-Trump, anti-American thugs.
On Tuesday, one of the nation’s most revered gun policy and self-defense expert, John M. Snyder, who also serves as an adviser to a number of police organizations, provided Conservative Base with his observations and opinions on Americans’ self-defense and survival during a turbulent time within U.S. borders. The Washington Post and New York Times have named Snyder the “dean” of Washington gun lobbyists.
“As reports of international radical Islamist terror proliferate along with news of developing threats of increased domestic racist violence, Americans appear to be arming themselves personally for self-defense,” Snyder observed.
“Gun ownership in the United States is at least as American as apple pie,” said Snyder, a member of the board of advisers for the National Association of Chiefs of police.
“For some time now observers and relevant experts generally have agreed that between 80 and 100 million people own about 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. In the last several years, though, FBI national instant criminal records checks indicate tens of millions of Americans purchase tens of millions of firearms each year,” notes the former editor for the National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s) magazines.

That means more and more Americans are buying more and more guns. According to at least one expert mathematical estimate, there now are between 412 and 660 hundred million firearms in private hands in the United States.
Snyder also quoted figures from a national poll service: “A recent Pew Research Center study on ‘America’s Complex Relationship With Guns,’ shows that household gun ownership is up seven percentage points over the last two years to 44%, and that most gun owners cite protection as a major reason for owning a gun. The figures are 67% for protection, 38% for hunting, 30% for sport shooting, 13% as part of a gun collection, and 8% for their job.”
Snyder stated, “Citizen firearms possession has the support of many in the law enforcement community. Some high-profile law enforcement executive officers even advocate personal civilian firearms ownership. At least one of them, Sheriff Wayne Ivey, the chief law enforcement officer in Brevard County, Florida, states that each citizen should acquire a handgun, learn how to use it, get a permit to carry a concealed firearm, and carry it at all times.”
A report from the Crime Prevention Research Center indicates that nearly two million more Americans obtained their concealed carry permits last year, setting a new record for the fourth year in a row. CPRC says 16.3 million U.S. citizens have CCW permits, up from 4.5 million just a decade ago.
“Sheriff Ivey recently told members of the Indian River Colony Club Rifle and Pistol Club in Viera, Florida that violence in society has become so pervasive and frequent that law enforcement can not cope expeditiously with the situation,” Snyder reported. “Citizens must be responsible for their own personal safety and protection and the safety and protection of their loved ones.
“Sheriff Ivey serves on the advisory board of the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP). In its most recent annual postal opinion survey of American chiefs of police and sheriffs, NACOP reported 87.9% of the command officers said any vetted citizen should be able to purchase a firearm for sport or self-defense, 86.4% said their department supports nationwide recognition of state-issued concealed weapon permits, and 76% said qualified law-abiding armed citizens can help law enforcement reduce violent criminal activity.”
A practicing Catholic, Snyder was dubbed “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News. The Trace designated him a power broker.
He holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University. He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation. He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of NACOP, Council for America, and American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens.
We have over 100 MILLION armed to the teeth civilians, 17 MILLION armed forces veterans that are still combat capable. Think twice before pushing us to far. We WILL fight back and it’s not going to be pretty !