FBI Incompetence? Agency too busy chasing Trump, helping Clinton to prevent school shooting?
According to Katherine Lam, a breaking and trending news digital producer for Fox News, “An FBI official acknowledged on Thursday the bureau received a tip months before the Florida high school massacre about a social media comment by a Nikolas Cruz, who said he wished to become ‘a professional school shooter.'”
Rob Lasky, the special agent in charge (SAIC) of the FBI’s Miami office, admitted during a press briefing on Thursday morning that the scandal-ridden agency probed a comment made on a video posted on YouTube September 2017. Lasky noted that a statement in the video coincided with the remark reported to the FBI by vlogger (video-blogger) Ben Bennight.

Unfortunately, the FBI spokesman claims agents could not identify the user who made the comment. “No other information was included in the comment which would indicate a particular time, location or the true identity of the person who posted the comment,” the FBI said in statement.
The comment, made by user Nikolas Cruz last September, stated: “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.” Cruz, a 19-year-old former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, made good on his threat on Wednesday — Valentine’s Day and the Catholic Church’s Ash Wednesday, which begins the countdown to Easter Sunday — in Parkland, Florida. He is accused of the bloody rampage that killed 17 people at the school and wounded numerous other teachers and students.
The FBI’s tipster, Ben Bennight is a Mississippi bail bondsman who goes by the name “Ben The Bondsman” on YouTube, Twitter and other social media. He stated in a new video posted on Wednesday that he immediately reported the threatening comment to the owners of YouTube and he quickly contacted the FBI. Bennight and he also included a screenshot of the comment with his report to YouTube and the FBI.
Bennight said that special agents from the FBI visited him at his office and interviewed him about the threatening screenshots allegedly posted by the suspect Cruz. Bennight added, [The FBI] asked me questions that I couldn’t answer.
Bennight said that on Wednesday he was again contacted by FBI agents after the alleged gunman Cruz shot and killed people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

“I would like to think that they were already investigating this guy and they had him on the top of their radar and that’s how they ended up contacting me so quickly,” Bennight, who calls himself a vlogger (video blogger) said. “I wish I had had more information [for the FBI agents.”
Within 24-hours of the massacre, federal and local law enforcement investigators had more details about Cruz’s troubled past. The 19-year-old was a former student at the high school, but was expelled in the last school year after getting into a fight with another student. During a segment of Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Show, students were heard saying Cruz was a troubled individual, an aggressive troublemaker and a difficult disciplinary problem for teachers.
“This report, if true, should make every American angry. Here you have a mass-murderer being practically ignored by the FBI who spent millions of dollars investigating presidential candidates in an attempt to get a Democrat elected. Yes, that’s right. They didn’t do a damn thing about a man who basically notified society he wished to kill!” criticized Jeffrey Polina, a former police SWAT team instructor. “The [President] better drain the FBI portion of the swamp,” he suggested.
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