Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece slams liberals’ Trump cabinet attacks

The brilliant Dr. Alveda King recently appeared on Fox News to both defend Donald Trump’s latest Cabinet picks and to excoriate the liberals who argue that the choices are ‘racist.’

Dr. King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was particularly upset by the liberal condemnation of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), who president-elect Trump has tapped to be his Attorney General. Many of the mainstream media outlets have been directly reporting the liberal attack Sen. Sessions without debunking the myth that Sessions is a racist. Meaning, the outlets have parroted the anti-Sessions talking points without actually taking the time to find out if the attacks are true.

However the idea that Sessions is a racist is hogwash. The folks at the Resurgent compiled a short list of powerful evidences proving the point:

  1. Senator Sessions marched alongside Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) to commemorate the 50thAnniversary of the march in Selma, Alabama.
  2. Sessions has a long history of fighting AGAINST segregation in Alabama, even when it hurt his political fortunes.
  3. Senator Sessions sought the death penalty for the leader of the KKK in Alabama when he was a prosecutor.
  4. Senator Sessions voted for the extension of the Civil Rights Act.
  5. He voted to confirm Eric Holder as Attorney General.
  6. He cosponsored legislation to lower the penalty for crack possession to come in line with the penalties for cocaine powder possession because the crack penalties unfairly punished members of the African-American community.
  7. He led the fight to award Rosa Parks the Congressional Medal of Honor.
  8. As the U.S. Attorney he filed several desegregation lawsuits in Alabama.

Senator Sessions also has some strong personal witnesses who can testify to his true character. A prominent African-American lawyer in Alabama, Donald V. Watkins, first met Sessions when they were both students in law school and Sessions asked Watkins to join the Young Republicans. Mr. Watkins recently penned a beautiful defense of Senator Sessions on his Facebook page where he outlines the true character of the next Attorney General.

The point to all of this is simple: the Democrat attacks on Senator Sessions are unfair and not substantiated by evidence. The “proof is in the pudding” as they say, and Senator Sessions’ life is full of examples of his generous and kind character.


Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of BarbWire.com. He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber)

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