Dr. Alveda King: Voting is a Personal Civil Right — Please Vote Now

So, if you haven’t done so yet, please go to the polls tomorrow and vote Prolife. Life is our first Civil Right. A vote for Life strikes a blow to injustice.
Click HERE for video messages from Evangelist Alveda King.
A praying America is a greater America.
A working America is a greater America.
A safe and secure America is a greater America.
A just America is greater America.
Vote Prolife
Why vote Prolife? With one punch of the ballot, one pull of the lever, one click of the mouse, one stroke of a pen; however they do it at your poll; you strike a blow at that three headed monster. We are all one blood/one human race. (Acts 17:26-28)
We must fight and vote for freedom for everyone; for the womb to the tomb.
Did you know that abortion, racism, human trafficking and poverty are all part of the same dirty system? They are part of the three headed swamp monster that’s going down MAGA’s drain.
God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. Know your rights!
Martin Luther King, Jr. once demanded: “Give us the ballot!” Before his death, my beloved mentor, Pastor Allen McNair said: “Don’t Vote for Sin!”
Whatever the outcome tomorrow, do your part. Vote for Life and Pray for America.
Make your vote count. Vote Prolife.
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