Dr. Alveda King: The Dangerous Intent of Unproven Accusations

While recovering from jet lag in the midst of my first visit to Rome, Italy, I was stunned by a report that Congressman Trent Franks has been asked to step down from office. I immediately began to pray with an awareness that “the accuser of the brethren” is at work to silence the voices of conscience on The Hill.
Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last- salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth- the one who accuses them before our God day and night.” — Revelation 12:10
Unproven accusations are designed to bring strife, suspicion, division, hurt and harm to humanity. Such accusations not only hurt people’s reputations; they rend the fabric of the One Blood/One Human Race Community. — Acts 17:26
This reminds me of the tragedy of Emmett Till who was unjustly slaughtered due to an accusation that was proven to be false after Emmett was brutally murdered.
Today in America this same tactic is being played and replayed where public figures are constantly being accused of crime and/or impropriety and “tried” in the media.
For those who are professing guilt, as they are appropriately stripped of or voluntarily abandon their seats of power, where is their path to redemption?
“Everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins.” — Romans 3:23-24
For those who stand accused and castrated without a trial we must ask where do they go to get their reputations, or in extreme cases such as Emmett Till, their lives back?
“Is it legal to convict a man before he is given a hearing?” — John 7:51
Maybe we should all pray about calling a “Cease Fire Come to Jesus Moment” and repent corporately. Have we considered what it takes to build a reputation, and how sad it is to note how a person can be hurt by the false charges of irresponsible or ruthless people?

Such accusations can poison the atmosphere among society. Unsuspecting people can come to believe the worst about their neighbors or community leaders simply by hearing and believing false accusations. Once the vicious cycle begins, people can be motivated by the desire to accuse others.
Even as a post abortive secondary victim of abortion, I work very hard to remain in a position of repentance and forgiveness for those whom I hurt and for those who hurt me on my journey through life. A testimony should never seek only to expose a painful wrong, but to seek healing and reveal and discover how God can make things right for all parties involved.
Enemies of Agape Love and Truth seek to have us accuse each other and cause strife and division. God’s law is the law of love, where people are led to repent, forgive, and be healed; these are truths for life which are designed for us to follow.
Alveda’s words were divinely inspired. God bless and protect her!!
She is soooo right ….Everyone needs to realize that God will have the last say …and these women who are seriously damaged SHOULD go to the LAW – not the media …………Our very lives and the lives of your family ARE being destroyed because they are being backed (paid off) by the DESTROYER OF NATIONS — AND THAT MAN IS SOROS !!!!!!!!!!