Democrats’ Impeachment Proceedings Illegitimate, Unprecedented, Says Former FBI Task Force Cop

House Democrats’ unprecedented actions are taking our country down a dangerous path, said former military intelligence officer, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force member for New York City/New Jersey, now a Fox News Channel contributor, Steven Rogers. (See video at the end of this news analysis.)
House Democrats are trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election and interfere in the upcoming election that is little more than a year away. They are putting on a political show that has broken with every norm, precedent, and practice in the book. It’s clear that they have no interest in leading a fair process and are intent on doing whatever it takes to push this show trial. President Trump will not have his Administration participate in this partisan political charade.The President has a duty to work on behalf of the American people and won’t let this constitutionally illegitimate impeachment sham distract him from that work, according to law enforcement, intelligence and military officer, Steven Rogers, author of bestselling autobiography Cops & God.
He said he believes the Democrats and the members of the left-wing echo-chamber, the news media, are intent on overturning the results of the 2016 election and depriving the American people of the President they have chosen. After losing the election to President Donald Trump, the mendacious Hillary Clinton a/k/a “Crooked Hillary” blamed everyone and everything for her second loss running for President. Her biggest deception was the allegation that Trump colluded with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to deny Clinton her rightful presidency.
Impeachment has been the Democratic Party’s and news media’s goal from the very beginning of the Trump Administration. They are using impeachment to not only undo the results of the last election, but to interfere with the next election, according to Rogers, who retired as the chief of detectives in Nutley, New Jersey. With the election a little over a year away in 2020, House Democrats have decided to turn impeachment into a political weapon. The President’s political opponents are eager to transform impeachment from an extraordinary action into an anti-democratic political weapon used for partisan gain.

The decision about who will be elected President in 2020 should rest with the American people, as the Constitution calls for. Congressional Democrats are shamefully trying to take this power out of the hands of the American public. President Trump rejects House Democrats baseless and unlawful efforts to overturn the democratic process, notes Rogers in a report he sent to his friend for 30-years, Conservative Base’s editor Jim Kouri.
In an action that ended up biting her in her butt, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-California, held a press conference announcing an impeachment inquiry before the record of the call with Ukraine was even released. To her surprise, the President took the extraordinary step of releasing the record of the call, which clearly demonstrates that the call was entirely appropriate. House Democrats based their entire impeachment sham on this call, yet the actual record of the call shows there is no legitimate basis for impeachment.
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff chose to falsify his own version of the President’s call with Ukraine’s leader, reading his made-up transcript to the American people at a public hearing. Schiff’s absurd stunt is perhaps the best evidence yet that there was no wrongdoing in the call. There is nothing there so they have to fabricate evidence. For almost three years, Schiff has claimed he had a mountain of evidence that proved Trump colluded with the Russians to defeat Hillary Clinton.
After repeated initial denials, Chairman Schiff’s office was caught having advised the so-called “whistleblower” before the complaint was filed. Further, news reports suggest the whistleblower failed to tell the Inspector General about these interactions when the complaint was filed. Anyone involved in preparing or submitting the complaint cannot possibly act as a fair and impartial judge, especially after misleading the public about their involvement. Chairman Schiff should immediately release all documents about his committee’s contacts with the whistleblower. House Democrats’ conduct raises serious questions that need to be investigated, but their committees are preventing anyone from getting answers.
The political circus that House Democrats are putting on is not a valid impeachment inquiry and violates basic due process rights.
House Democrats are breaking with just about every longstanding precedent as to how constitutionally valid impeachment inquiries are conducted. The House of Representatives have never attempted to launch an impeachment inquiry against the President without voting to authorize it – like House Democrats are doing now. In a clear demonstration of where their priorities lie, Speaker Pelosi initiated their impeachment inquiry with a press conference instead of following precedent, states the Rogers emailed report to the CB editor.

House Democrats are refusing to respect fundamental due process protections that form the basis for our entire justice system. The President is entitled to due process just like every other American. Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-New York) used to emphasize that “the power of impeachment…demands a rigorous level of due process.”
The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that due process protections apply to all congressional investigations. But House Democrats have not established any procedures to afford the President even the most basic due process protections demanded by the Constitution.
A fair process would include – at a minimum – the right to see all evidence, to present evidence, to call witnesses, to have counsel present at all hearings, to cross-examine all witnesses, to make objections relating to the examination of witnesses or the admissibility of testimony and evidence, and to respond to evidence and testimony.
The Democrats are ignoring nearly 150 years of precedent for the rights to cross-examine witnesses, call witnesses, and present evidence. The Democrat-controlled committees have provided none of these basic constitutional rights in their procedures. House Democrats have failed to provide co-equal subpoena to House Republicans, ensuring their entire inquiry will be nothing but a one-sided political theater. They clearly don’t have any interest in gathering the actual facts.
The minority’s right to issue subpoenas has been the standard, bipartisan practice in all recent impeachment inquiries. House Democrats are trying to have it both ways on oversight and impeachment. They have tried to justify their requests by suggesting that they would seek the information even if impeachment were not underway, but they can’t have it both ways. House Democrats can’t rely on the established oversight process to gather information for an unauthorized impeachment inquiry, according to Rogers who is also an advisor to President Trump.