CIA’s former chief Brennan a disgrace to American intel officers
A former member of the Communist Party of America; voted for Communist Party’s Marxist candidate Gus Hall for President; converted to Salafism/Wahhabism the state religion and interpretation of Islam espoused by Muhammad bin Saud and his successors (the Al Saud family), who eventually created the modern kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932, while serving as CIA bureau chief in that Arab country. So how did this man become the top official at the Central Intelligence Agency?

On Sunday, while the morning news shows interviewed anyone they could find that would denigrate the President, Donald Trump announced that he was opening another important probe. He announced that he was ordering the Department of Justice to “look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or [conducted surveillance] of the Trump campaign for political purposes” when the Obama administration was on the way out of the White House.
Shortly after that, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ordered the Department of Justice to initiate an investigation.
Trump also pointed to a harsh criticism of former Obama CIA Director John Brennan from Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and New York City police officer, that aired on Fox News Sunday morning.
Dan Bongino slammed John Brennan on “Fox & Friends” on Saturday, claiming the former CIA director has “disgraced” himself and the entire intelligence community.
In a Twitter posting, Trump wrote: “John Brennan is panicking. He has disgraced himself, he has disgraced the Country, he has disgraced the entire Intelligence Community. He is the one man who is largely responsible for the destruction of American’s faith in the Intelligence Community and in some people at the….”
Unfortunately, the majority of news outlets are either knowing members of the Deep State or they are “useful idiots,” since they are intent on perpetuating the myth of John Brennan the loyal public servant and honest Central Intelligence Agency chief under Barack Obama.
Once a Political Hack, Always a Political Hack?
In December 2014, Democrats on the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report claiming the interrogation methods used by the CIA in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks were “brutal and far worse” than the agency had represented to lawmakers. Many working in the intelligence community, the military complex and in law enforcement said the report was heavy on denigrating the CIA and the war on Islamic terrorism but light on facts to back up the assertions.

But, President Obama was well-pleased with his CIA director. “In John Brennan the men and women of the CIA will have the leadership of our nation’s most skilled intelligence professionals,” said Obama. “”That unique combination of smarts and strength that he claims comes from growing up in New Jersey.”
But not everyone was enthusiastic about Brennan being the nation’s CIA chief. (Read more about 2010 calls for his resignation at Fox News here.)
“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to Shariah law,” said Tom Trento, director of Florida Security Council, who has been critical of Brennan’s service in the Obama White House.
Some of the nation’s top intelligence, military, national security and law enforcement experts once loudly called for Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan to resign from his post or for President Barack Obama to fire Brennan from his White House staff.
During a press conference in September 2010 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on Thursday, respected experts, including officials from the Florida Security Council, told reporters that because of Brennan’s adherence to the politically-correct orthodoxy that permeates the Obama administration the U.S. government is being prevented from identifying, understanding and countering radical Muslims and their threat of imposing Sharia law.
Frank Gaffney, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration, and others claim that Sharia is a supremacist, totalitarian legal doctrine that leads to terrorism, torture, abuse of women and young girls, and other horrors.
A major piece of evidence that points to the dangers associated with Brennan’s failure to perform his primary function – to know the enemy and its threat doctrine – came to light when analysts at the Florida Security Council discovered that a known Hamas operative and unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing trial in U.S. history (Holy Land Foundation), Sheik Kifah Mustapha,participated in a six-week-long, government-sponsored “Citizens Academy” hosted by the FBI as part of its outreach to the Muslim community.
During the six-week FBI program, Mustapha – a man tied to an officially designated terrorist organization – was escorted into the top secret National Counterterrorism Center and other secure government facilities, including the FBI National Academy located on the Quantico, Virginia U.S. Marine Base.
Terrorism expert Steve Emerson, director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, exposed Mustapha’s appointment in Illinois to a post as a State Police chaplain. However, according to Illinois officials, the appointment was revoked in spite of the protests of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
“Deputy National Security Advisor John Brennan must resign his post immediately,” said Mr. Gaffney, whose Center for Security Policy released a report entitled, Shariah: The Threat to America.
“Mr. Brennan is, at best, willfully blind to the threat posed to the homeland and national security of the United States by those who adhere to shariah. In the wake of this recent episode at the National Counterterrorism Center, in which the FBI gave a guided tour of one of our most sensitive counter-terrorism facilities to a known Hamas operative, it is clear that the cluelessness fostered by Mr. Brennan is causing an empowering of the wrong sorts of Muslims in America – and endangering the American people,” said Gaffney to reporters.