Bolshevik Joe Biden Selects Anti-Law & Order Kamala Harris as Running Mate

The wait is over: on Tuesday evening the Biden presidential campaign announced the nomination of former California Attorney General and U.S. Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate.

“Just when we thought the idea of Joe Biden being President of the United States couldn’t get any worse, he announces that Kamala Harris, a failed presidential candidate and a corrupt former California Attorney General, will be his running mate,” according to a White House press statement sent to organizations such as the National Association of Chiefs of Police.

While most government worker unions support the Democratic Party, police and law enforcement officers are represented by organizations that endorse and support Republicans, especially President Donald Trump.

Although the Democratic Party’s leadership and their partners in the nation’s news media are celebrating the creation of the Biden and Harris team, it will be difficult to ignore some key points about their political relationship.

First, Kamala Harris attacked Joe Biden’s racist policies (did she forget?).
Next, she ends her pathetic run at President.
Then, 3 months after ending her own campaign, she reluctantly endorses Biden.
After that, Biden gets accused of sexual assault, so he vows to choose a woman as his VP.
And now, Sleepy Joe announces Phony Kamala as his running mate.

These two liberals are as far-left as they come. Between both of their terrible records, it’s obvious that this radical duo is PERFECT for each other but WRONG for America.

They are WEAK on crime and want to see our cities burn, unlike President Trump and Vice President Pence who are working tirelessly to restore LAW AND ORDER.

It’s going to be up to Patriots like you to save our Nation from that dark fate, Friend. Election Day is right around the corner, and now that we know what we’re up against, I’m going to do something huge!

Jim Kouri National Assn. of Chief of Police

Jim Kouri Conservative Base's editor, Jim, is founder and CEO of Kouri Associates, a homeland security, public safety and political consulting firm. He's formerly Fifth Vice-President, now a Board Member of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, a columnist, and a contributor to this Radio Show. He's the author of two books: "Crime Talk: Conversations with America's Top Law Enforcement Officers" and "Assume the Position: Police Science for Journalists and Screenwriters." . Kouri appears regularly as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, etc. He also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty (Law & Order).. He holds a bachelor of science in Criminal Justice from Southwest University and SCI Technical School in New York City and completed training at the NYC Police Academy, FBI Continuing Education Program, and the Certified Protection Professional (CPP) of the American Society for Industrial Security. To subscribe to Kouri's newsletter write to and write "Subscription" on the subject line.

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