Intelligence Documents Only Favorable to Obama and Biden
The Democratic Party’s ongoing anti-Trump House of Representatives media circus continued targeting former President Donald Trump with the help of the media mob breaking every rule of professional journalism in order to destroy the former president by “hook or by crook.”

While a steady stream of “witnesses” had testified before a Democrat-dominated panel of lawmakers, the ladies and gentlemen of the press presented news stories based on anonymous sources, Democratic Party leaks, innuendo, conjecture and pre-selected quotes designed to drag the President and his supporters into the now famous Swamp.
Although there have be previous administrations that found it difficult to weed out corrupt politicians, Trump’s goal is more difficult to achieve thanks to President Obama and his cohorts in the White House, in law enforcement, within the intelligence community and in the majority of government agencies.
“I’ve been saying this for the last two-decades: Unlike most Presidents, who would appoint a few people to the upper-echelon of the executive branch, Obama and his team of corrupt, dishonest henchmen/henchwomen made certain to populate the CIA, NSA, Justice Department, FBI, Pentagon, Treasury Department and many other bureaucracies with politically-driven party hacks,” former a former New York police official.
During the two-front conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, House and Senate Democrats held hearings, brought in “witnesses” and leaked damaging information about unsubstantiated. Even some leftist Democrats warned the party bosses not to go too far in their vitriolic description of U.S. military forces. For example, Sen. Dick Durbin called Guantanamo Bay’s terrorist detention center a gulag. He called the Marine guards ‘the Gestapo’ while his fellow Democrats resorted to name calling of soldiers and cops,” said Sid Franes, a former Marine non-com and a New York cop and a security agency owner.
Franes also reminded us that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign while speaking to an audience of black voters that “there is little difference between U.S. police officers working in inner-city neighborhoods and ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria].”
During the two-front conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, House and Senate Democrats held hearings, brought in “witnesses” and leaked damaging information about unsubstantiated. Even some leftist Democrats warned the party bosses not to go too far in their vitriolic description of U.S. military forces. For example, Sen. Dick Durbin called Guantanamo Bay’s terrorist detention center a gulag. He called the Marine guards ‘the Gestapo’ while his fellow Democrats resorted to name calling of soldiers and cops,” said Sid Franes, a former Marine non-com and a New York cop and a security agency owner.

During the Obama years, the Defense Department provided full cooperation during U.S. Senate committee investigations that examined detainee-interrogation operations, a senior official said in a statement for Internet journalists and bloggers. “We fully cooperated with that effort in responding to requests for interviews, as well as documents,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said.
Of course, the military only released documents that were favorable to Obama and his White House minions. While the Obamanites paraded generals, intelligence chiefs and police brass before the American people, the real “military brass” included Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, former Communist Party supporter John Brennan, Assistant National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes (whose brother was president at NBC News) and the great story-teller Hillary Clinton.