Urging Violence against Trump Cabinet Sinks Maxine Waters’ Scandal-Plagued Career to a New Low
When Maxine Waters encouraged violence against Trump administration cabinet members this month it wasn’t the first time the California congresswoman, serving her 14th term, displayed behavior unbecoming of a federal lawmaker.
The loud and boisterous far-left Democrat from Los Angeles has been involved in suspicious activities throughout her long political career. During her many years in the U.S. House of Representatives she’s been accused of abusing her power to enrich family members such as her banker husband, helping a cop-murdering Black Panther fugitive to obtain asylum in communist Cuba.
One of Waters’ frequent crowd pleasers is her frequent accusations that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been selling crack cocaine in black neighborhoods. Although today, she is heard defending the CIA and the FBI against verbal attacks on those agencies by Trump and his supporters, including local law enforcement officers.
According to the government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, among her most corrupt acts as a federal legislator is steering millions of federal bailout dollars to her husband’s failing bank, OneUnited. Waters allocated $12 million to the Massachusetts bank in which she and her board member husband held shares. OneUnited subsequently got shut down by the government and American taxpayers got stiffed for the millions.
Judicial Watch investigated the scandal and obtained documents from the U.S. Treasury related to the controversial bailout: “The famously remiss House Ethics Committee, which is charged with investigating and punishing corrupt lawmakers like Waters, found that she committed no wrongdoing. The panel bought Waters’ absurd story that she allocated the money as part of her longtime work to promote opportunity for minority-owned businesses and lending in underserved communities even though her husband’s bank was located thousands of miles away from the south Los Angeles neighborhoods she represents in Congress.”
OneUnited was an extremely unlikely candidate for a government bailout through the disastrous Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the brainchild of President Barack Obama. The Treasury Department warned the Washington elites that it would only provide financial bailouts to healthy banks to aid in jump-starting bank lending. But even though OneUnited clearly didn’t meet that criteria no charges were brought against Maxine Waters or her husband and associates..
Documents obtained by Judicial Watch officials detail the deplorable financial condition of OneUnited at the time of the government cash infusion. The records also show that, prior to the bailout, the bank received a “less than satisfactory rating.” Incredibly, after that scandal Waters was chosen by her colleagues to hold a ranking position on the powerful House committee that oversees the nation’s financial services industries.
The only punishment for flushing $12 million down the toilet against her husband’s failing bank was a slap on the hand to Waters’ chief of staff ( who is her grandson) for violating congressional code of conduct.

Waters, who represents some of Los Angeles’ poorest inner-city neighborhoods, has also helped family members make more than $1 million through business ventures with companies and causes that she has helped, according to her hometown newspaper. While she and her relatives get richer (she lives in a $4.5 million Los Angeles mansion), her constituents get poorer.
“Why, many people ask, does Maxine Waters appear be get away with the sleaziest acts of unethical , even criminal, shenanigans? I believe it’s because she’s a far-left Democrat, and she’s black,” said Michael Barker, political consultant and former criminal investigator. The news media leave her alone so as not to be called that despicable word ‘racist’ or ‘bigot.’ The Republicans fear her because she’s always shown a deep-hatred for white conservatives,” Barker said to Conservative Base.com.
She was also up to her neck in a fundraising scandal by “gaming the system” including federal election rules with a shady gimmick that allows unlimited donations from certain contributors. Waters sells her endorsements to other politicians and political causes for as much as $45,000 a pop.
In addition to selling off endorsements, she’s also known to profit from her relations to dictators such as the Castro brothers in Cuba. Rep. Waters has made worldwide headlines for her frequent trips to communist Cuba to visit her convicted cop-assassin friend, Joanne Chesimard, who appears on the FBI’s Most Wanted List Chesimard is also known by her Black Panther name of Assata Shakur.
Chesimard was given a life sentence in a state prison following her conviction by a jury of her 1979 cop-killing of a New Jersey State Trooper. With the help of fellow cult members, she escaped from jail and fled to Cuba. Outraged U.S. lawmakers insisted she be extradited but Waters always stood by her side, likening the cop-assassin to civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In fact, Waters wrote Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro a letter to assure him that she was not part of the group of U.S. legislators who voted for a resolution to extradite the cop murderer. Waters told Castro that she opposed extradition because Chesimard was “politically persecuted” in the U.S. and simply seeking political asylum in Havana, where she still lives.
In the 1980s Waters accused the CIA of selling crack cocaine to blacks in her south-central Los Angeles district to raise millions of dollars to support clandestine operations in Latin America, including a guerrilla army. During the infamous 1992 Los Angeles riots the congresswoman repeatedly excused the violent behavior that ironically destroyed the areas she represents in the House. She dismissed the severe beating of a white truck driver by saying the anger in her district was righteous. She also excused looters who stole from stores by saying they were simply mothers capitalizing on an opportunity to take some milk, bread and shoes.
Now the veteran lawmaker is outrageously inciting violence against Trump cabinet members. “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday. This week Judicial Watch filed a House ethics complaint against Waters for encouraging violence against Trump Cabinet members.