Think Tank Report: Trump’s First 50 Days a Major Victory for Americans

Putting aside the almost constant trashing by the Democrats and their news media henchmen/women, in his first 50 days as President of the United States, Donald Trump has accomplished more than some past presidents accomplished during their entire terms in office. At the same time that the denizens of America’s newsrooms — for the most part — use verbal gymnastics to hide or bury the facts, they energetically push anti-Trump fake stories and innuendo.
For example, President Trump added jobs to the economy, drove the stock market to record highs and saved taxpayers billions of dollars, according to analysis by the American Liberty Report on Thursday. But the elitist news outlets spent their days running stories about “suffering and frightened” illegal aliens, Muslims from the world’s hotbeds of radical Islamic terrorism being subjected to a stringent vetting process, and Trump’s ongoing mission of building a border “wall.”
According to ALR’s “Trump’s First 50 Days,” President Trump has accomplished so many things that the items below are only a partial compilation. Here is a sample from the American Liberty Report’s list of President Trump’s major achievements during his first 7 weeks in the Oval Office:
1. New jobs
In both January and February, U.S. companies added jobs to the economy by leaps and bounds. In January, the numbers were 238,000 jobs added, and in February the figures were 235,000, with wages growing by an average 2.8 percent and unemployment falling to 4.7 percent.
Of course, Trump has been quick to point out that the way the government calculates unemployment is currently not very accurate, and new Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has been one of the first people to acknowledge this. Hopefully, a more accurate formulation will be put to use by Trump’s administration soon.
2. A Lower National Debt
An occurrence that many people didn’t expect has come to pass; Trump has succeeded in lowering the nation’s debt, instead of adding to it. The most recent figure for the debt under ex-President Obama was $19.947 trillion, but since then, Trump has subtracted $68 billion — not a bad start for a president who has vowed to cut copious government waste.
3. Manufacturing Is at Its Best Since 1984
The Philly Fed Index, which measures how well manufacturers are doing, showed its best numbers since 1984. Hopefully, Trump can top that over the course of the next several years.
4. Small Businesses and Medium-Sized Businesses Are Confident
By many accounts, the real drivers of the nation’s economy are small businesses and medium-sized businesses, which account for at least 83 percent of the nation’s employment. The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Small Business Optimism Index recently hit its highest levels since 2004; clearly, the nation’s business owners are optimistic about the future.
5. The Stock Market Keeps Hitting Record Highs
Since Trump was elected, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has surged more than 12 percent — greater than 2500 points — to close above 21,000 for the first time ever on March 1. It’s hard to beat a number like that as far as showing how confident businesses are.
6. Samsung Is Investing in American Production
Samsung is one of several companies (see below) that have made announcements of hiring and/or moving production to the United States from other countries. Samsung will reportedly invest $300 million in expanding its U.S. production facilities.
7. ExxonMobil Is Moving Jobs to the U.S.
ExxonMobil has announced it will build 11 new plants along the Gulf Coast of the U.S. over the next 10 years, spending more than $20 billion. More than 45,000 jobs will be created.
8. Carrier Will Keep Its Indiana Manufacturing Plant
One of the first actions that Trump was celebrated for was the saving of hundreds of jobs at air conditioner manufacturer Carrier that otherwise would have gone to Mexico. This happened even before Trump had officially started his term in office!
9. Fiat Chrysler Is Investing $1 billion in Its Factories
Fiat Chrysler will invest $1 billion in two of its factories in Detroit and Toledo, creating at least 2,000 jobs.
10. Bureau of Land Management Brought Under Control
Trump’s Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reviewed the rules as part of a White House directive to cut back on burdensome regulations,
Studies find that the removal of drilling restrictions on federal lands and water could create 2.7 million energy jobs, while another 1.8 million could be created by encouraging fracking. Such a regulatory change would add $663 billion to the economy annually for the next 30 years.
11. The Coal Industry Has Been Freed from Onerous Regulations
Ex-President Obama saddled the coal industry with regulations that were causing it to go bankrupt. Trump has rescinded many of those regulations via an executive order, helping to revitalize this proud and important American industry.
12. The Transpacific Partnership Is Dead
Trump’s first act as president was to kill the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), a so-called “free-trade” deal that would have cost the U.S. untold numbers of jobs and lowered standards for everything from food to medicines.
13. The End of Sanctuary Cities Has Been Mandated
Trump signed an executive order withholding federal funds for municipalities that harbor criminal aliens, accelerating the end of “sanctuary cities.”
14. The Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare Has Begun
Although the replacement of Obamacare is still being intensely deliberated (and rightly so), the wheels are in motion for the repeal of one of former President Obama’s worst legacies — the overpriced, dysfunctional and enormously bureaucratic healthcare legislation formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) — a disaster from Day One.
15. Neil Gorsuch Has Been Nominated for the Supreme Court
The president has nominated a strict Constitutionalist in Neil Gorsuch, who will add a conservative voice to the nation’s highest court to replace the sorely missed Justice Antonin Scalia.
16. The Approval of the Keystone Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline
It’s been a long time coming, but these pipelines will create American jobs and lower consumer gas prices.

17. International NGOs Sanctioning Abortions Will Lose Funding
Trump signed an executive order cutting funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that sanction and/or sponsor abortion. While pro-abortion groups hide behind Supreme Court decisions such as Roe v. Wade, there’s nothing in the U.S. Constitution that remotely claims the U.S. must fork over millions, even billions of dollars to kill unborn babies in foreign countries.
18. Transgender Bathroom Policy Will Be Set By States, Not the Federal Government
Via an order to the Department of Justice, Trump has left it up to states to decide issues related to transgender bathrooms, eliminating the federal government’s role in this contentious and controversial matter.
19. Emergency Help for City of Flint, Michigan
The emergency funds are part of the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act carried out by President Trump. The money was officially awarded on Friday, and will help the city accelerate programs to replace service lines that have leaked lead in to the city’s water supply. Mayor, Karen Weaver said the city is really ‘excited and very grateful’ to receive the aid from the federal government. “The city of Flint being awarded a grant of this magnitude in such a critical time of need will be a huge benefit,” Weaver said.
20. American Taxpayers Will Save on the Cost of Air Force One
The planes that shuttle the president to national and international destinations will cost less, thanks to a promise Trump extracted from Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg. The amount that will be saved has not yet been finalized, but will likely be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Americans demand a communication operation like yours. Concise, and accurate. Retired from Wall Street in 2002 but kept a house in WDC 15 years in order to keep a personal eye on Congress. It was the only recession-resistant town in America from 1981 until my retirement. I saw the town up close and came to observe DC had the energy and wealth of a Vegas Casino–outdoors. It reeked of wealth the confiscated taxpayer wealth emanating from low hanging money extracted from helpless taxpayer wallets across the Fruited Plain.
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