The Left’s attacks are getting personal by John Smith

We have been treated to a year of rioting and violence over the mere hint that a conservative may speak at some college. The intolerant, fascistic, violent Left seems determined to demonstrate just how vicious and despotic its instincts are.
And the Left has apparently upped its game even further now. Well-known blogger and investigative journalist Warner Todd Huston woke up in the middle of the night this weekend to discover his car on fire. There is no reason to mistake this as some kind of accident and every reason to assume the worst. Over the past year, his house has been pelted with eggs and hate graffiti, his flags have been desecrated and destroyed, and now this. (Huston wrote his own account of what happened.)
According to Warner, in the first incident, a flag was removed from a flag staff on his house and left shredded on the front lawn. He replaced the flag, but within weeks it was gone. He put up another flag, this time of the U.S. Army seal. Shortly thereafter a corner of the flag was burned and above it was scribbled “Die Dogs.”
Warner had already had his garage door egged. With the flag burned and the threatening message, he decided to file a report with the police. Then his garage door was again egged, this time with the message “racist” written on it.
Warner doesn’t hide who he is or what he does. He writes about immigration and the issues with Islam, along with many other issues of interest to real Americans. In the Left’s vernacular that means “racist!” But now their vandalism and destruction of property is no longer limited to statues and other symbols in public parks. Now it is getting personal, at least in Warner’s neighborhood.
After this second incident with the eggs and graffiti, he filed another police report. Finally, Warner awoke in the middle of the night Saturday at about 1 a.m. to notice a glowing outside his window. Going out to investigate he found his car in flames.
I was awakened by a noise outside my home. I can’t really say what the noise was as it woke me from a deep sleep … I looked at my window and saw what struck me as a strange light outside. So, I went to the front door …
The police came to investigate but claimed they couldn’t classify it as arson because there was no evidence. Warner, however, found a melted plastic bottle sitting on the seat where the fire started. He said the bottle cap was on the floor of the car and it smelled like gasoline. The bottle and cap will appear in the official firefighters’ photos, which were taken that night. We can only hope the police will find that evidence compelling.
Warner maintains his own website, Publius’ Forum, ( He began blogging in 2001, making a name for himself in the “blogosphere” early on. He got in on the ground floor at the urging of the late Andrew Breitbart when Andrew began his now-famous website in 2008. Warner has continued to write for Breitbart since then, in addition to many other publications that carry his work.
Huston’s son has set up a GoFundMe page in hopes of raising enough funds to replace his car. Huston says it was an old car, only covered by liability insurance. For most in this business, writing does not make one rich, or even comfortable. It is a labor of love and commitment to our beloved country – a nation now threatened by the forces of anarchy.
My advice is not to give these suckers room to abuse you more before taking action. It is time for armed forces to go after these domestic terrorists for trying to silence free speech and to send them to Guantanamo where they can reunite with their Muslim lovers there.
I’d rather that instead of sending them to Guantanamo, we start sending them to early graves. They suffer from otherwise incurable criminal insanity.