The Left Uses Racism to Control Black Voters by Candace Owens
But something happened to the black community. Namely, Democrats happened.
The Democratic Party managed to convince the black community that they were still being hunted and oppressed by ‘whitey.’ They were told only the Democrats cared about them, and only the Democrats could save them. Sadly, this is the only thing the Democrats excel at, and the black community fell into the dissolution of the family, welfare, and intense, poisoning resentment.
Today, the majority of blacks live in inner cities that have been run by Democratic dynasties for decades. The result has been crime, desperation, bitter blame-placing, and the deepening of the racial divide.
Fortunately, not all black Americans fail to see through the wool that has been pulled over their eyes. Of course, if you ever hear about them in the mainstream media- they’ll be called Uncle Toms… or worse.
Candace Owens is a black woman and former leftist. Born in 1990, she is an American writer, producer, and conservative commentator.