Organized game plan to collapse the Trump Administration uncovered
“I am indebted to a 25-year veteran of the California Highway Patrol (Ret) who understands the tradecraft of intelligence gathering. This retired law enforcement professional has remained in the fight to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States from ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I already have written him privately making the offer to buy the coffee and donuts.” – Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.
According to well-regarded intelligence analyst Dr. Lyle Rapacki, the “harsh and unsettling truth” is the existence of plans to launch a full-court-press and political assault to turn President Donald J. Trump and his administration into a pile of “pure rubble” and debris.
“The harsh and unsettling truth is that the same assault launched by anarchists, and those who subscribe to a mean-spirited socialist/communist belief system has been launched to collapse the United States and our constitutional form of government along with the principles and values comprising our foundation. Evidence is mounting to substantiate this statement of fact,” notes Dr. Rapacki, the founder and CEO of Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC, in his Feb. 14, 2017 Briefing Communication.

Rapacki and a former California Highway Patrol police officer (CHiPs) claim that: Americans are still in denial, pre-occupied with all the things of life, and unable to see behind the curtain at the diabolical elite influencing, funding and directing actions and activities disrespectful and hateful to America. While Americans go about their lives, over 250 offices have been set-up across the country each staffed with trained anarchists prepared to bring civil disruption/destruction, economic chaos.
In a Conservative Base news analysis on George Soros, it was pointed out that: “These activists, who prefer the label “progressives,” decided that the road to utopia must be paved not by elected officials but by judges appointed to the federal courts and State Supreme Courts. In other words, the progressives must be in a position to nominate and appoint lawyers sympathetic to their causes as judges. It is no exaggeration to say that many U.S. courts are stacked with black-robed ambulance chasers and slip-and-fall shysters.”
Indivisible: A practical guide for resisting the Trump Agenda is another exhibit submitted to prove an active assault is well underway as stated above.

Rapacki learned from his police veteran colleague that “The Indivisible” are former congressional staffers who witnessed the rise of the Tea Party, and tweaked the tactics from the former Tea Party in order to launch there own aggressive assault.
Only instead of seeking less government and corruption, these Indivisibles are promoting a radical progressive agenda intent on collapsing the Trump Administration and the United States as we have known her. Their disturbing guide demonstrates that devious and deceptive program being implemented by the Democrats and the myriad of their radical, socialist organizations.
For example, activist and radical blogger Wil Wheaton advises Democrats: “Donald Trump is not just profoundly unqualified to be president, but poses a legitimate and clear danger to the safety of Americans and the stability of the world. I move through the stages of grief on a daily basis and today I’m clearly doing anger. I’m sure that the deplorables are loving that we feel this way, and why shouldn’t they? If something happened to make a [sic] neonazi unhappy, I’d feel pretty great about that.”
“May this material be another Wake-Up Call for dedicated prayers of intercession over our leaders and this Nation; for conservative elected officials to stand and no longer worry about reelection, but worry about having the very sovereignty of their state and our Nation erased! May this be a Wake-Up Call for former Tea Party Patriots to consider whether or not you are going to merely stand by and watch all your good work dismantled, or will you find your collective voices again – and then use them!” warns Dr. Rapacki.
We have seen tons of evidence corroborating Dr. Rapaki’s assertions. Even in our little community of just over 4,000 residents, we had a group of liberals, about 70 total, meet and using the referred to “guide”, planning to derail the president. Our country has not seen this kind of Sedition and treachery since the days of Lincoln when traitorous groups strove to remove him form ofc.
This country hasn’t been in this grave danger since the Civil War. There’s way too much division here to be mended in this generation because there are too many slinking in the background and forefront with deep pockets and dark minds, paying devisive politicians, journalists, and eager agitators. They must be stopped immediately; and the majority must quickly find it’s courage and voice, or I fear we’ll fall into the arms of anarchy and tyranny.
This really stirs me to the bone. Something evil this way comes! We need to pray for God Almighty to expose and eradicate this evil. God is in control and has a perfect plan. Let us not forget this. God bless this country and the Trump admirer! Amen!
No regard or appreciation of truth!? They are also ready to destroy our country, eliminate our Constitution, and do anything else necessary to take our country into the Marxist realm. They are flooding our nation with Muslims and their goals are all about CONTROL. No concern for the welfare of our people… because they do not care how many people are raped, murdered, or destroyed. It’s terrifying to watch this happen. On a smaller scale, the people in DC did this to JFK because they believed him to be too young and inexperienced to run the government. Funny… no one said that about 0bama.