Obama disses American law but loves American money! by Larry Klayman
Former President Barack Hussein Obama, a not-too-closet of a Muslim, apparently respects Shariah law more than America’s legal system. Proof positive: For years Freedom Watch and I have been attempting, through court-licensed process servers, to serve the former chief law enforcement officer with five civil complaints, which sue him not only in his past official capacity but also personally for violating American law.

The cases filed against him range from the illegal and unconstitutional surveillance of his then spy services, the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency, to his successful efforts to incite violence against law enforcement and whites by Black Lives Matter, the Nation of Islam, the New Black Panthers Party, Al Sharpton and other black vigilantes and agitators. Most recently, I again sued Obama – before his took off for his “man vacation” in Tahiti – for again inciting violence, this time with his fellow Muslims over his opposition to President Trump’s temporary moratorium on immigration from seven and now six predominantly Muslim countries in the Middle East. In this regard, I personally was assaulted by a Muslim protester in the baggage claim area of Southwest airlines at Los Angeles International Airport.
A few months ago our process server, who is an officer of the court and has the judicial authority to deliver court filed complaints to anyone without being impeded or blocked – even a president of the United States – went across town to Obama’s palatial mansion located at 2446 Belmont Road in the ultra-rich Kalorama section of Washington, D.C. What the process server found in front of the mansion – which is being used not just as a living quarters for Obama and his family but a staging ground for his “counter-government,” designed to bring down the Trump presidency and further his socialist pro-Islamic agenda, as well as arrange for huge book deals and speaking engagement fees to stuff his coffers – were District of Columbia police guarding the entrance.
Upon arriving at the newest scene of Obama’s continuing crimes against the nation, the D.C. police asked the process server why he was there. In response, the process server advised the police officer that he had a court complaint to deliver to Obama. Interestingly, a video of the attempted service, which I had asked the process server to take, shows the D.C. police officer laughing in glee that Obama was sued by me. Not able to accept service for the former president, the D.C. police officer is then shown in the video leading the process server though a labyrinth of trails and driveways to the door of the Obama mansion, where a Secret Service agent informs the process server that he cannot sign as accepting service for the former president.
Since that time, and as occurred before in prior cases, the Secret Service, running interference for Obama at taxpayer expense, has not received Obama’s approval to accept service of lawfully filed complaints against him! Obama, once the highest law enforcement officer in the land, has in effect run from the law as if he were a hardened criminal. Further contact with the Secret Service to arrange for lawful service are being made, but the process server is again being advised that Obama has not given them authority to accept service on his behalf, or have the former president appear to accept the complaints himself.

In contrast to Obama’s complete disrespect for the American legal system and his arrogant attitude that he is superior to the rest us, on public display for the last eight years – in essence that he is “Above the Law,” a motto I adopted for Judicial Watch when I founded it in 1994 – the former chief law enforcement officer has found time to rake in just in the last days nearly a million dollars in speaking fees for his “majestic Islamic presence” before Wall Street banks and other groups since he returned from sunbathing and partying predominantly with his “male friends” in Tahiti.
He also is back at his reverse-racist agitator ways, working with the likes of the despicable socialist, atheist, self-hating Jew and Nazi collaborator George Soros and his counter-revolutionary groups and enterprises, as well as Hillary Clinton loyalists, to bring down the Trump presidency and destabilize the nation – all with the goal of eventually imposing socialism and someday his “Holy Shariah law” on the American citizenry. That Obama is a Muslim at least at heart has been well-documented in his own words. Just watch this video to confirm this not too hidden “secret” not even Fox News and other major media have ever wanted to discuss for fear of being vilified and tarred.
Yes, one Barack Hussein Obama is alive and well in America, feasting off the fat cats who are happy to line his pockets to support his lifestyle as one of the “rich and famous.” But despite his benefiting handsomely as a former president, he continues to despise not just our legal system, but We the People. Prancing around like a Muslim deity, cashing in on his destructive presidency and his continuing efforts to pervert and trash the vision of our Founding Fathers, he runs from the law and does not even have the decency to allow for service of process on duly filed civil complaints.
Well, I have news for you, Obama, you can run but you cannot hide from me. I will find you and hold you accountable under the rule of law in the courts.
And, our Judeo-Christian God, not allah, I continue to believe will someday also mete out “divine justice” for your continuing sins and crimes you have committed – along with your collaborators like Black Lives Matter, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Soros and Hillary Clinton – against the American people.