New York Detectives Fighting Back Against Socialist Thugs and Anti-Cop Democrat Cowards

According to the elite detectives of New York City in a report sent to other police groups such as the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP), “[D]uring these unprecedented times, when opportunistic politicians are spewing lies about police, know that the Detectives Endowment Association (DEA) is always in your corner. Together, we will ensure the safety and rights of every Detective.”
As we are all well aware, police in New York City and across the country are under attack, both physically by leftist-anarchists and verbally by elected officials.
“Our work to keep people safe – at any cost – is being drowned out by calls to defund police departments and arrest officers based on a few seconds of video on social media. There is zero backing for the men and women in blue by our elected officials. Their decisions are based on appeasing the loudest anti-police protestors instead of fact,” stated Paul DiGiacomo, president of the Detective Endowment Association..
“It is time now to make sure our careers and families are protected. The DEA strongly urges you to have the least amount of interaction with the public that is necessary to fulfill your official duties. Keep yourself and your fellow cops safe – but know that there is no support at the highest levels of city political leadership. Your actions will be scrutinized publicly by those who pretend to lead this city, your job is at risk, and criminal charges are possible,” said DiGiacoma in a letter.
In this current anti-police climate when officers are being attacked and arrested for defending themselves, we need to look out for one another. We must reassess how we police New York City and the life and death risks we take every day in order to keep people safe, according to a DEA statement submitted to NACOP.
Big Apple Detectives Pressured by Radical Politicians and Deep State
“As politicians speak out of both sides of their mouths and offer no solutions, the DEA is always ready in your corner. We will continue to fight for your rights at every turn. We will provide new information and direction as soon as it is available. In unity there is strength”,said Lieutenant Norman Seaman.

On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, NYPD detectives came together to denounce proposed anti-police legislation. The false rhetoric we hear every day from elected leaders and the media must be called out.
The solidarity we demonstrated with our fellow unions from across the State that represent more than 200,000 members of law enforcement sends the message that we will never back down in our fight for our rights.
During these unprecedented times, when opportunistic politicians are spewing lies about police, know that the DEA is always in your corner. Together, we will ensure the safety and rights of every Detective.
In an effort to stop the long list of anti-police bills expected to be voted on in Albany early next week, The DEA is asking all members, their families and friends, to send the below letter to the Governor, as well as the Senate and Assembly member in their respective districts. Form letters are below and can be copied and pasted for ease of use.
The link to the Governor’s contact page is at
Dear Governor Cuomo:
New York State is in crisis. For the past week, we have witnessed a level of civil unrest – too often accompanied by violence and destruction – that our State has not seen in a generation. As a law enforcement professional, I share the universal desire for healing and positive change.
At this time, however, the first priority of government must be to restore peace and stability. No rational policy discussion can take place against a backdrop of burning police vehicles and looted store fronts.
I have been made aware that the New York State Legislature and you, Governor Cuomo, plan to repeal Civil Rights Law 50-a and furthermore enact several more laws that would directly impact my ability to do my job and take away my basic civil rights to protect myself and, more important, my family from false and/or unsubstantiated accusations.
I am very concerned that the proposed legislative agenda will destroy the morale of law enforcement, subvert our rights and standing in the community, and expose us to increased risk. I am extremely upset and cannot understand your opposition to protect any civil rights of the people of the State of New York, which very much includes the Officers who protected your residents during this tragic pandemic and during these further trying times. I am completely against this attack on me and my profession.
Paul DiGiacomo, President, and the DEA Board of Officers
There is only one way to stop terrorism, end it!
We support you! You are not perfect but who is, yet you have high standards and seek to do your duty to the best of your abilities and serve the nation and citizens of the United States. God Bless you! We are behind you and will fight with you, if necessary, to defend all the citizens of our nation.
Do not lose heart you/we will prevail in the end. Life is hard. No one knows that better than the thin blue line between order and mayhem.