“Every red blooded American really needs to read this book right away….” – AUTHORS J.B. WILLIAMS & TIMOTHY HARRINGTON

TRUMPED: the New American Revolution is about a national movement to “make America great again,” a second American Revolution to restore the Constitutional republic via a rebirth of the Republican Party, represented by the political establishment outsider Donald Trump. That movement can be best described as an organic uprising by the conservative base of the Republican Party, fed up with the anti-American counter-revolution against America that consumes Washington D.C. politics.
This book will not disappoint…
We wrote this book so that every American voter can have the real facts behind the 2016 anti-establishment revolt. Not the partisan campaign talking points memo… the REAL facts—facts that very few others could tell and that no one else would tell. Readers will learn more about the enemies within—their agenda, their tactics and how to defeat them—than they will find in any other book on the market today, combined!
TRUMPED is a no-holds-barred exposé about the anti-American counter-revolution to destroy America from within and the 2016 New American Revolution to stop the destruction of the sovereignty and security of the United States.
The following questions are answered in TRUMPED!
- Who is the enemy within?
- What is their agenda?
- What are their tactics?
- What motivates the enemy?
- Why Trump?
- Why now?
- Your role?
- The true State of our Union?
- The complete truth about the 2016 revolt?
It was a major undertaking to research, fact-check, prove, assemble in digestible form, write and publish the most hard-hitting book about the 2016 election cycle available today. Just a few comments from review readers….
“This book really helped me understand what is going on this political season. I’m going to share it with others like myself, who’ve pretty much had enough of the status quo.” —MDM, Business Owner and conservative activist, TX
“I received my copy of TRUMPED and anxiously started reading and reading. I could not put it down. This is a fast easy to read book but the message will leave you with a renewed sense of understanding and hope. Thank you to Mr. Williams and Mr. Harrington. I hope there is a follow up!! The next chapter in the history of this country is about to take place and we need it written for future generations to read.” —Bracken, conservative activist and GOP Co. Commissioner, TN
“I just finished your book, TRUMPED! Kudo’s on an extremely clear and well written piece of literature. Everyone who is an American voter needs to at least read your book, conservative, libertarian, liberal, undecided, especially if they are not currently supportive of Republican beliefs!! That being said, I am a professor in the dark halls of education that you speak of in your book, so there is at least one professor who still believes in capitalism, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! Great job!!” —Dr. Landis, Professor at Cumberland University
Trump cannot “make America great again” by himself. For the people to be able to do their part, they will have to know everything presented in TRUMPED: The New American Revolution!
Because we want to get this in the hands of as many patriots as possible in the months left in the 2016 election, we are offering a limited-time only offer of 10% off the regular price.
Co-Authors J.B. Williams and Timothy Harrington have both served the cause of freedom and liberty for much of their lives, in and out of uniform. Both are co-founders of The United States Patriots Union, which includes Veteran Defenders of America and The North American Law Center. Both have studied, written about, given countless interviews and drafted many white papers on matters of U.S. Constitutional History, National Security, Military Operations and Investigations, political crimes and legislative initiatives, for decades. Harrington worked on the investigations concerning Hamdania and Haditha, in protection of U.S. Armed Forces on the battlefield.
Williams and Harrington issued the first Executive Brief on the events at Benghazi, only 72 hours after the event, most of which has since appeared in congressional investigations years later. Williams has published over 3000 essays and columns on politics and constitutional history for more than 20 years. They bring a uniquely qualified view into current events as they connect to the past and the future.
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This political season has brought out the worst in people and this was a good thing, at least for voters. Revealed were the true colors and true loyalties of politicians + friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, etc.
Many public figures formerly held in high regard are now rightly perceived as dickheads after we witnessed their horrible behavior, bad decisions or public statements.
The takeaway – after their unmasking, establishment dickheads / false conservatives / false friends cannot fool us anymore.
In the future more posers will fill our airwaves but this gives us a break for now. Let’s just hope we pass-on a healthy dose of skepticism / suspicion to the next generation when it comes to political candidates.