Navy Veteran Announces Run for U.S. Congressional Seat from Virginia

Chief Jarome Bell (U.S. Navy-Retired) is a Trump-supporting Republican leading the effort to take back our Congress for the America First Agenda and reaching minority voters with a message from the late Malcolm X.
“Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two thirds of the government and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race,” Malcolm X told a large audience in New York
Bell adds his own words of wisdom to Malcolm X’s statement: “The last thing the Socialist Democrats want is another outspoken black conservative veteran standing up for the truth and against gun control.”
“You can rest assured I will not back down as I call out the Left holding down the black community, and I will continue to fight for President Trump’s America First Agenda and solutions that will raise up ALL Americans,” said the Naval veteran..
“In order to build grassroots momentum and defeat the Democrat gun control this upcoming election, I need your help,” said Chief Bell.

Touting himself as an America-First conservative Republican, Bell retired as a Chief Petty Officer from the U.S. Navy after twenty-seven years of service.
“I’m running to help Donald Trump build the wall, end the seemingly never-ending foreign wars, and continue strengthening our military,” Bell added, “but it’s bigger than just those issues.”
“Both the Republican and Democrat Parties have failed middle class working Americans, and they’ve failed all voters — black, white, hispanic and asian — by putting their interests after the interests of illegal immigrants,” Bell said.
“My campaign will fight ruthlessly to put ALL Americans’ interests ahead of illegal immigrants,” Bell said. “Not only that, we will unashamedly fight for the right of the unborn, and the right to keep and bear arms,” he said.
“We are at a crucial juncture in history,” Bell added. “We’ve got enemies within our own government determined to wrest control from a duly elected President, and we’ve got one party thinking of siding with the communist elements in our midst and both parties working closely with globalist titans of industry to replace the American worker,” Bell explained. “Now is not the time for another sell-out, washed-up, failed politician.”