MSNBC Star Trump-Hater Joe Scarborough’s intern discovered dead in his office

When President Donald Trump decided to pour gasoline on the spreading fire of political deviance among notable people involved in sexually inappropriate — at times criminal — behavior, his revelation regarding MSNBC Trump-hating host Joe Scarborough’s scandal in Florida received very little attention by his cohorts in the propaganda news media. In fact, when the Scarborough scandal took place while he was a U.S. Congressman, his friends treated him as if he were a Democrat.
Trump hurled his latest bomb at NBC and MSNBC by reminding Twitter readers about the bizarre death 16 years ago of a young female staffer whose body was found in the office of former Republican (RINO) Congressman from Florida and current “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough.
“So now that [Today Show host] Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of [MSNBC president] Phil Griffin? And will they terminate low ratings [of MSNBC’s morning show host] Joe Scarborough based on the “unsolved mystery” that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!” President Donald Trump tweeted.
According to Fox News: The story of Lori Klausutis has dogged Scarborough on the Internet since she was found dead in his Florida district office on July 19, 2001. Although Scarborough was out of town — and the medical examiner later ruled she had died after falling and hitting her head on a desk — conspiracy theorists have long speculated that Scarborough could have been somehow involved in Klausutis’ death. And now the president appears to be joining in.

“Klausutis was originally from Atlanta, Georgia and had a seemingly happy life, the Naples Daily News wrote. She was married to a husband who said on an internet account that ‘being married to Lori’ was one of his best honors. The couple shared a home in Niceville, a city on Florida’s panhandle about 150 miles miles west of Tallahassee. She was active in her religion, the article noted, volunteering as a cantor at a Catholic congregation in the area. She sang in the choir at the church and was involved in various faith-based activities,” according to Chris Bucher, a political blogger at
“It always amazes me how the Democrats and their friendly RINOs tar and feather people with the label ‘conspiracy theorists’ just because they are suspicious of politicians who’ve gained the left’s favor,” said former homicide detective and U.S. Marine Sidney Franes.
“These leftists will say and do anything to protect their leaders such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, etc., but at the same time use fake, planted news stories and lying witnesses to smear someone like Donald Trump and the people who follow the nation’s 45th President,” Franes added.
“A 28-year-old office worker for U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough was found dead Friday in the congressman’s district office. Preliminary findings from the medical examiner’s office showed no foul play or any outward indication of suicide,” said Police Chief Steve Hogue.
“Authorities identified the woman as Lori Klausutis of Niceville. She had worked for Scarborough since May 1999,” said Mick Serrano, press secretary for the congressman.
Joe Scarborough’s 28 year old intern died in his office from blunt force trauma to the head, which was attributed to irregular heart rhythm. 28 year olds die all the time right Joe? After an estimated 80 hours of examination and research, Okaloosa County Associate Medical Examiner Michael Berkland finally determined that Lori Klausutis’ death was an accident. Most medical examiners would have reached a conclusion in less than an hour, but you have to give a guy from “Okaloosa” more time. Joe’s intern was a member of the Northwest Florida Track Club and had run an 8K recently before her death. Sounds like a heart condition for sure. 28 years old people drop dead all the time from irregular heart conditions which are so serious they run 8K marathons. The medical examiner Berkland later lost his license in both Missouri and Florida for lying about autopsies. According to the Northwest Florida Daily News, his license was revoked in Missouri in 1996 for providing false information about an autopsy and in 1999 his ME license was suspended in Florida and finally withdraw in 2003.
Human body parts were also found in a storage unit belonging to Berkland in 2012.
EXCELLENT analysis, Dan! Thanks.