Brillouin Energy’s Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Technology is Game Changer for U.S. National Security
Last week, the public became aware of a major breakthrough in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) technology that has the potential to provide inexpensive, limitless energy 24/7. The fuel (hydrogen) is essentially inexhaustible and can provide thermal or electrical energy for the general public. There is no pollution and, unlike traditional nuclear energy, there are no radioactive waste or weapons proliferation concerns.

Originally called “cold fusion,” this type of energy was much in the news in the 1980s, but failed to live up to its promise. However, last week in the US Capitol, it was announced that over the past 25 years, scientists have developed various enabling technologies such as Controlled Electron Capture Reaction (CECR) Q-Pulse technology that now makes LENR a reality.
What the public has now learned is that California-based Brillouin Energy Corporation has actually developed a working prototype that has been successfully tested at the prestigious Stanford Research Institute (SRI). In fact, Dr. Michael McKubre, Director of SRI’s Energy Research Center, was on hand at the U.S. Capitol announcement with a report on his test results. As he stated, “it is very clear that something on the order of four times and potentially more gain in power (and therefore ultimately energy) was achieved at an impressive and industrially significant operating temperature of around 640oC. To my knowledge, this has not been achieved before in the LENR field.” Interestingly, Dr. Banning Garrett, former Strategic Foresight Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, was also on hand with an impressive report detailing the current status of the LENR field and credibility of Brillouin’s claims.
The LENR breakthrough in the United States is a game-changer, not just for America in terms of low-cost energy for the American consumer, but also for national security. Here, America has the chance to lead internationally on American ingenuity and not only reduce, but totally eliminate the need to ever again rely on foreign sources of energy. Even when the US has bought energy from so-called friendly Arab countries, some percentage almost always ends up financing terrorism to some degree. American-made LENR has the ability to deprive terrorists once and for all of the ability to finance terrorism through energy.
Interestingly, America’s allies are taking note. Japan, for example, has just established its own LENR/Cold Fusion Fund. And it has not gone unnoticed internationally that Bill Gates is now taking a real interest in LENR.
Conservatives will actually like LENR because of the strong implications for America’s national security, while liberals should like its clean energy aspects. This may be one of those rare cases in American politics today where both sides can come together to do what is right for America.
So where is the US Department of Energy? The military has a name for it – Absent Without Leave (AWOL). It’s time now for the DOE to get involved with LENR, do whatever testing is required, and evaluate and validate the recent breakthrough observed by SRI and others. The Department of Defense should also get involved to harness this technology for America’s national security needs. Contact and urge your member of Congress to ensure DOE and DOD move out on this game-changing “Made in America” technology.
Actually, Andrea Rossi and Industrial Heat, in North Carolina, are also moving forward with this technology.
Dear, be ready for a backlash. The skeptopaths don’t like change, and this is change that gives a lot of hope for the human race.
The is kind of out of the bag at this point. First the IEEE hosted meeting on Sept 23rd, the release of Hagelsteins and DeChiaro’s respective papers and then Rossi’s Patent being issued and THEN Brillouin goes to Capitol Hill. I think it’s game on.
Here are a few clarifications. This effect is still called “cold fusion.” That name is probably not technically accurate so people have come up with various other names such as low energy nuclear reactions (LENR).
You wrote there are “no weapons proliferation concerns.” Most experts agree but Martin Fleischmann and Edward Teller both voiced concerns about this issue. There are many conventional military uses for cold fusion. A few of these are described in chapter 11, here:
I do not think this splits along the political conservative versus liberal lines. I suppose most conservatives are in favor of reducing pollution with clean energy, and every liberal I know is concerned about national security. In any case, I would like to point out that there are many other advantages to cold fusion. Here are some:
Flexible, scalable, clean, safe, easy to use, with no emissions.
Compact; power density is high.
Energy density millions of times greater than chemical fuel.
Can be located anywhere: inside a building, underwater, implanted in body, in outer space.
Available nonstop, unlike solar or wind.
Fuel is inexhaustible; enough to vaporize the earth many times over.
The fuel costs nothing, and the equipment itself will be cheaper.
People will save ~$2,500 per capita per year in energy costs.
Will eliminate most air pollution.
Will eliminate the threat of global warming.
At present, the cold fusion effect cannot be controlled. If this problem can be solved is likely to become a practical source of energy with these advantages.
Yeah Baby!! I’m pretty sure that Rossi and Goes both have the on and off thing down.
It’s an interesting technology. There is a lot of promise. There is also a hell of a lot of of work to be done before it’s used in real power production. Hell, there is a lot of work to do before it can actually be used to generate electricity in a laboratory. At this stage, they are still trying to fully understand the physics enough that they can get a sustained reaction.
In the mean time, other renewable sources like solar are still better than fossil fuels: solar has low over-all costs, but high labour costs, meaning it employs a lot more people than coal, gas or oil. More people employed means more cash circulating and a healthier middle-class, at a time that traditional mining employment is shrinking as mine operators invest in automation to reduce their labour costs. Solar coupled with sodium storage means we can cover base loads, and companies like Tesla have released battery packs to extend home solar to cover more hours of the day. Unlike LENR (or carbon capture and storage, for that matter), it can be shown that it works right now, and has costs on-par or better than fossil fuels (especially once you take into account the massive subsidisation that governments currently do to protect the fossil fuel industry). Brillouin themselves say the technology could be years or decades away: they are yet to get sustained energy out in experimental conditions, so they are a long way from commercial reactors producing power for the grid.
No single technology will solve all the energy problems we face, but there is a mix of technologies available today that can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels while at the same time lowering the cost of energy. What we can be sure of is that continuing use of fossil fuels will keep us embroiled in conflict in the middle-east and continue to affect the climate. Digging for coal results in huge open-cut mines that destroy huge tracts of the environment. None of it is necessary: more and more nations are committing to the renewables path and finding they are much better off, financially as well as environmentally.
I have followed Cold Fusion/LENR news since it was announced in 1989, and the good news keeps rolling in. Brillouin has the most promising news of anyone, and their CECR reaction sounds like the answer we have been waiting for–a complete game-changer. If they are able to scale and commercialize, the world as we know it will be completely different in a very short time. Hold onto your hats!
I have been following developments Cold Fusion for the last 5 years. I nearly gave up on it in the middle of September. Then on Sept 23rd the IEEE hosted a meeting at Terradyne regarding state of the art LENR. A couple of days later Rossi got his patent issued. Then DeChiaro released his slide show from the Sept 23rd meeting. Next Brillouin went to Capitol Hill for a little show and tell. My spirits were lifted considerably. At least 1 guy from the DOE attended, and is said to have expressed old DOE sentiment regarding LENR. This observation comes from a good friend at the DOE. Someday they will remove their heads from, uh, the sand. The lead guys on this thing are DeChiaro from NAVSEA and Zawodny and Bushnell at NASA’s Langley Research Center.
I leave you with a question. What does Moniz have to grin about?
Try getting all of this past Ernie Moniz (science advisor to Obama) who has been a obstacle at MIT sending privately funded research money for the development of CF back to the donor. Except for one professor, MIT has been an embarrassing obstacle to a technology that should have been studied for the last 26 years.
The author of this article is confusing claims for facts! The problem with Brillouin’s claims is that the company has not provided truly independent and credible evidence of proper testing and replication. Without that, the claims are not convincing. It doesn’t help that Dr. McKrubre seems to act in a gullible manner. For example, he said some favorable remarks about the Papp “Noble Gas” engine. Papp was a schizophrenic con man in the 1960’s who claimed he crossed the ocean in a 300 mph submarine he built. There is no way to get energy out of noble gases. Worse yet, McKubre says favorable things about Andrea Rossi! Dr. McKubre is working closely with Brillouin and is not independent of them.
Rossi, another claimant to supposed high power LENR, is a convicted felon in Italy. You can read about his colorful criminal history here:
And you can read about Rossi’s chronic lying and specious claims and how he cheated the DOD out of millions they paid for junk, here:
Rossi claims high power LENR, yet his claims bear every hallmark of a typical free energy scam. For example, the results in terms of power ratio (out to in) decrease over time as does the absolute amount of power the device seems to be able to yield. Every publicly described experiment Rossi has done has been deficient in one or more ways. Usually there is no or insufficient calibration and there are endless ways Rossi could have cheated. Despite protestations to the contrary, Rossi has never allowed a single experiment in which he was not intimately involved and his ecats have never been tested by any credible institution.
Defkalion, a company with nearly identical claims to Rossi, arrogantly made ridiculous claims for several years only to disappear into complete oblivion when some of its intended product distributors found that their tests could not be confirmed and appeared to be entirely bogus.
In conclusion, it is wildly premature and insanely irresponsible to claim that LENR at high power levels (hundreds or thousands of watts) has been accomplished. The evidence for small levels of power is hard to assess. Most experiments have not been replicated and none are widely accepted as valid by main line peer reviewed journals, the main line press, and most physicists.
Despite that, Rossi has attracted millions of dollars in investments. All I can say about that is “caveat emptor!”
If anyone is contemplating a serious investment in any high power LENR technology, please contact me at maryyugo[at]yahoo[dot]com if you would like help in evaluating the claims and testing the proposed devices.
Rossi recently got his patent issued. do you think that our USPTO has been corrupted? Huh??!! Rossi got his USPTO Patent ISSUED. This after FINAL REJECTION. What happened in Obama’s Cabinet?
Mary Yugo needs refreshing and the field of LENR includes US Navy Systems Center-Pacific (SSC-Pacific) and the DoE. Keep up with developments, read the following.
“Condensed Matter Nuclear Reactions” 11Oct15
P.A. Mosier-Boss US Navy SPAWAR-Pacific, San Diego, CA L.P. Forsley
JWK Corporation, Annandale, VA Global Energy Corporation, San Diego, CA University of Texas, Austin, Austin, TX
Nonsense, Greg. None of those places has reported experiment that I have seen which involve high levels or either power or energy. Because the levels are low, the tests are subject to experimental error and noise. I have no opinion on low level tests for LENR because the results vary widely from one lab to another and none are in any way impressive nor do they suggest that we are on the verge of a new technology. I can not access your links without creating an account. Maybe you can give us a short summary of the power and energy results and ratios (COP) here? Thanks.
As for Rossi, I think more people, even believers in LENR, are starting to accept that he is a chronic liar and has absolutely nothing in the way of proof that his technology works. F9!
Holy Moly, are you a naysayer!! The handwriting is on the wall, and the internal combustion engine is about to become a relic. Wake up and smell the LENR.
Look at what NAVSEA and NASA are doing with it.
Here’s what Doug Wells and his boys are doing with LENR. NASA’s LENR powered flight.
The Navy has already purchased and has evaluation in-process to release analysis at the end of the 1st quarter in 2016. The DOD is already aware, not only aware, but vested in the technology.
They currently have a 1.5 MW ECAT under evaluation and have released documents stating the preliminary investigations.