Investigation: How Schumer and Deep State Used Prof. Ford to Hurt Kavanaugh’s Confirmation
Senator Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas (above photo right) sent a shockwave throughout the Democratic National Committee and its elected officeholders this week during an appearance on the syndicated radio show hosted by Hugh Hewitt. Cotton without hesitation or parsing his statement said he is blaming Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (above photo left) for his role in the Professor Christine Ford operation from the very beginning. Schumer is a known political hack from New York, while Tom Cotton is a former military officer who served on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Schumer’s almost constant barrage of negativity towards the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh reinforced the conservatives’ favorite political joke: “Question: where is the most dangerous place in the world to stand? Answer: standing between Schumer and the TV news cameras and microphones.
While a guest on Hugh Hewitt’s show, Sen. Cotton pointed to Prof. Ford’s friend Monica McLean who worked for Preet Bharara, who was the former US Attorney in Manhattan under the Obama Justice Department.
Cotton believes Schumer and Bharara were behind the disgusting assault on Brett Kavanaugh’s honesty, integrity and his history as a top-notch legal mind.
Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas accused Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Tuesday of being involved in the operation to leak Christine Blasey Ford’s letter to the public.
“I believe the Schumer political operation was behind this from the very beginning,” Cotton told conservative commentator Hugh Hewitt during his radio show.
According to Prof. Ford, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and other Democratic lawmakers a letter in July accusing Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct more than 35 years ago. During the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in September, Ford said she did not authorize the letter’s release, despite it being made public just as the Senate prepared to vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s appointed as an Associate Justice.
“We learned last week that a woman named Monica McLean was Ms. Ford’s roommate and she was one of the so-called ‘beach friends’ that encouraged Ms. Ford to go to [Sen.] Dianne Feinstein and the partisan Democrats on the judiciary committee,” Cotton continued. “It just so happens that Monica McLean worked for Preet Bharara, the former U.S. attorney in Manhattan, now a virulent anti-Trump critic on television and former counsel to Chuck Schumer.”
Bharara has been an outspoken detractor of President Donald Trump, even promulgating a case of obstruction against the president. He was also considered to be a protege of the New York’s Senator Chuck Schumer.
Senator Cotton blasted Democrats Chuck Schumer, Dianne Feinstein and former Obama Justice Department U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who makes no secret regarding his hatred of President Trump:
“Hugh, I believe the Schumer political operation was behind this from the very beginning. We learned last week that a woman named Monica McLean was Ms. Ford’s roommate, and she was one of the so-called beach friends who encouraged Ms. Ford to go to Dianne Feinstein and the partisan Democrats on the Judiciary Committee. Well, it just turns out, it just so happens that Monica McLean worked for a Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, now a virulent anti-Trump critic on television and former counsel to Chuck Schumer. So I strongly suspect that Chuck Schumer’s political operation knew about Ms. Ford’s allegations as far back as July and manipulated the process all along to include taking advantage of Ms. Ford’s confidences and directing her towards left-wing lawyers who apparently may have violated the D.C. code of legal ethics and perhaps may face their own investigation by the D.C. Bar.”
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