Iconic Law Scholar Alan Dershowitz Says President Obama & George Soros Used FBI as Personal Private Eye Agency
During a Sunday morning interview with Breitbart News, a well-respected, well-known Harvard Law School professor, Alan Dershowitz, revealed a secret agreement between President Barack Hussein Obama. and radical activist and multi-billionaire George Soros during the run-up to the 2016 presidential race.
Dershowitz says he has evidence that Obama not only received a request from Soros to investigate an undisclosed citizen, but that Obama actually went to the FBI on Soros’ behalf to request the investigation.
According to Dershowitz, all of the damning information will come out in a lawsuit here in the near future.
Here’s what Dershowitz said during his live radio interview: “I have some information as well about the Obama administration that will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point but I’m not prepared to disclose it now…about how Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate someone on behalf of George Soros who is a close ally of his.”
The Breitbart host was so taken back by this claim that he had to confirm this story with Dershowitz:
Q: But let me just ask you — you said that George Soros asked Barack Obama to have his Justice Department investigate somebody?
Dershowitz: We’re — that’s going to come out in a lawsuit in the near future. Yeah
Q: Wow, well, we look forward to hearing more about that new.
Dershowitz: I have in my possession the actual 302 form [an FBI record of an interview], which documents this issue, and it will, at the right time, come out. But I’m not free to disclose it now because it’s a case that’s not yet been filed.
This is a huge deal.
If this all pans out, that means Obama took orders from a private citizen (who has donated millions to him) to request an FBI investigation against someone else.
That kind of corruption is worthy of jail time, and we hope that justice will be served.
In a news story on Conservative Base that was ignored, downplayed or even ridiculed by the American journalism cabal, an Inside-the-Beltway watchdog has discovered a situation sure to shock many patriotic Americans.
According to a just released report, the U.S. government actually provides financial subsidies to multi-billionaire George Soros’ radical agenda. Hundreds of millions of dollars appear to be poured into the coffers of his secretive Open Society Foundations (OSF) worldwide, document discovered by investigators from the successful watchdog Judicial Watch show.
In a special investigative report Judicial Watch documents the financial link between U.S.-funded entities and OSF affiliates to further the Hungarian-born philanthropist’s agenda seeking to destabilize legitimate governments, erase national borders, target conservative politicians, finance civil unrest, subvert institutions of higher education, and orchestrate refugee crises for political gain. The special report also illustrates the financial and staffing nexus between OSF and the U.S. government.
In 2018 OSF projected expending more than $530 million to promote Soros’ radical globalist agenda under the guise of supporting democracy in foreign countries, strengthening the rule of law and promoting fairness in political, legal and economic systems. Unfortunately, the true goal is to increase the centralization of power in those nations especially those countries that never experienced democratic elections or living in a representative government.
In a Twitter posting on Tuesday morning by Barack Obama he said that it was his policies that led to today’s thriving American economy.
Obama tweeted out a picture of the “Recovery Act” document that he signed 11 years ago, saying it “paved the way for more than a decade of economic growth.
But President Trump quickly responded: “Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing. NOW, best jobs numbers….”
During the Dershowitz radio interview, he explained his case against Obama and his minions over their ties to George Soros, the new friend of the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis:
Q: But let me just ask you — you said that George Soros asked Barack Obama to have his Justice Department investigate somebody?
Dershowitz: We’re — that’s going to come out in a lawsuit in the near future. Yeah
Q: Wow, well, we look forward to hearing more about that new.
Dershowitz: That’s not unusual. That is not unusual. People whisper to presidents all the time. Presidents whisper to [the] Justice Department all the time. It’s very common. It’s wrong, whoever does it, but it’s common, and we shouldn’t think that it’s unique to any particular president. I have in my possession the actual 302 form [an FBI record of an interview], which documents this issue, and it will, at the right time, come out. But I’m not free to disclose it now because it’s a case that’s not yet been filed.
In addition, Dershowitz reflected on his experience in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, noting that his argument had been grotesquely distorted by CNN — so much so that he could, if he wanted to, sue the network.
CNN — and House impeachment managers — claimed Dershowitz said that the president can do whatever he wants to do, as long as he claims to have believed he was acting in the public interest. Dershowitz had specifically said that criminal-like behavior was indeed impeachable.
Dershowitz also said that former Trump associate Roger Stone deserved a new trial, given new revelations about the extreme political bias of the jury’s foreperson, who opposed both Trump and Stone.
Moreover, Dershowitz said that if Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) won the Democratic presidential nomination, it might force him to leave the Democratic Party and campaign against him nationwide.
“President @BarackObama personally asked the @FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of #GeorgeSoros…” –@AlanDersh on @BreitbartNews Sunday with @joelpollak. For #dershowitz's full commentary on #WilliamBarr, #RogerStone, and the #Impeachment trial, go to @siriusxm OnDemand! pic.twitter.com/KM7szKoH3s
— SiriusXM Patriot (@SiriusXMPatriot) February 17, 2020
Joel B. Pollak, who interviewed Prof. Dershowitz is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart. He earned an A.B. in Social Studies and Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard College, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.
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