Hillary to lose presidential Super Bowl: Larry Klayman
During the course of the case, Lamberth granted me the right to take the oral testimony, that is depose Brown himself over this illegal caper. Perhaps not coincidentally, during the week he was to have been deposed, President Bill Clinton, likely at Hillary’s request, sent him on another trade mission to Bosnia. During that mission, Brown’s government plane mysteriously crashed, and he was killed. The case continued on, however, and later I was approached by Brown’s main squeeze, his mistress Nolanda Hill, who revealed to the court and me that Hillary was the one behind this patently illegal sale of seats on government-financed trade missions. In fact, Brown, hardly a boy scout, resented Hillary’s ordering him to do the Clintons’ dirty work – he wanted to focus on doing his own work. He told Nolanda resentfully, “I’m not Hillary’s f—ing tour guide!”
The case and its revelations ignited perhaps the most serious scandal in American history, as during its course I learned that Hillary and Bill, the Bonnie and Clyde of politics, had inserted a Chinese spy by the name of John Huang into Commerce Department hierarchy. Huang, who had worked at the DNC under Brown and his henchmen, had hailed from a Chinese-owned company in Indonesia run by James Riady and his father – both of whom had links to the Chinese Politburo. The Riadys not coincidentally had financially backed Bill’s bid for the governorship of Arkansas and later the presidency with cold Chinese cash. While at Commerce, the Clintons returned the favor by allowing Huang to receive CIA intelligence briefings, which he then likely passed to the Communists in Beijing.

I could write a tome about this scandal, which later gave rise to more revelations about the Clintons’ illegal and traitorous dealings with the Chinese, and indeed I have. My autobiography, “Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment,” has several chapters about this.
The moral to this despicable story is simple: Bonnie and Clyde have a history of selling anything that does not belong to them – like government trade missions and, outrageously, U.S. intelligence, paid for by you the taxpayer – to line their own pockets and interests. I used to joke, since at the time the Clintons had a White House cat named Sox, that we should all pray that they not sell the poor feline to the Chinese.
While Judicial Watch won the case and later collected almost a million dollars in attorneys’ fees for its efforts exposing this scandal – and this also sparked a congressional investigation – Bill Clinton was later impeached, but not convicted, over his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky. It was revealed during the congressional investigation that some Republicans were also “doing business” with China, and two-faced leaders like Sen. John McCain were quick to shut it down for fear that it would also gore GOP oxes. Instead he proposed so-called campaign finance legislation to take the monkey off Democratic and Republican backs. (Most of it was later found by the Supreme Court to be patently unconstitutional.) The Clinton Justice Department, run by the compromised Attorney General Janet Reno, predictably covered up the scandal and never held Hillary and Bill accountable.
The Chinagate scandal during the Clinton administration should thus be seen for what it is: simply Round 1 in Hillary’s long felonious history of misusing government access and resources to further her nefarious ends. And, it shows why, as secretary of state under an equally corrupt president, she crafted a way that her communications over similar capers would hopefully never be discovered, namely by setting up a criminal enterprise through her so-called private email server to do what she has always done best – attempt to secretly sell government assets and classified information for cash.
Much of the story of Hillary and Bill’s past and recent racketeering enterprises can be found in the pages of my federal RICO complaint, which is posted at www.freedomwatchusa.org. My case was initially dismissed by a Clinton-appointed judge, and it is now before the appellate court. I am hopeful that the lower court’s dismissal soon will be overturned.
The Chinagate scandal, which took second chair to the “sexcapades” of hubby Bill, was only one of a number of Hillary’s criminal acts. Scandals from Travelgate to Filegate to IRSgate and Whitewater round out the Wicked Witch of the Left’s sordid past and present. And, this is not to mention her siccing the IRS and private investigators on the women her husband was alleged to have had affairs with, harassed and raped: my former clients Gennifer Flowers, Dolly Kyle Browning, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick.
Hillary is sinking fast in the polls, as the current email scandal unfolds. While she will never be indicted by any Justice Department – Democrat or Republican – even if the FBI makes a criminal referral, as the Washington establishment circles the wagons and protects itself, her reputation is being even more seriously eroded to the point where I predict she will be shown the door by her own party, since she is dead meat politically.
Look forward to a Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump or Marco Rubio presidential election contest come November. Finally, Hillary’s criminal past is catching up to her – and it’s the last quarter of her doomed presidential Super Bowl.