DONALD TRUMP SCORES COUP WITH EVANGELICAL LEADERS IN SOUTH CAROLINA: “Respected Palmetto State Christian Leaders Endorse Donald Trump”

In a major campaign development which should be a strong sign of more to come, Donald J. Trump has just received the endorsement of arguably the two most respected evangelical Christian leaders in South Carolina, Dr. Buddy Witherspoon and Dr. Henry Jordan. Saying “Donald Trump is a man we can trust to lead with a Christian heart,” Dr. Witherspoon and Dr. Jordan call on Christian activists to “join us and the thousands of pastors and other soldiers in Christ to elect Donald Trump to Make America Great Again.”
Witherspoon and Jordan are well known to evangelical activists in South Carolina and throughout the South. Witherspoon was the long-time (12 years) Republican National Committeeman from South Carolina and Jordan is a decorated Vietnam War veteran, former member of the South Carolina Board of Education, and Co-founder of the S.C. Policy Council. Both have been active for decades in grass roots Christian activism and the homeschool movement and each ran strong campaigns for the U.S. Senate in South Carolina.
In a joint letter obtained by, Witherspoon and Jordan cite Christian Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly who says, “Donald Trump is the last hope for America.” Witherspoon and Jordan state, “Donald Trump is not a perfect man, but he is a Christian whose heart and mind are helping awake the determined silent majority to save our country and Make America Great Again.” Further, they note that Donald Trump is the only candidate to promise to end the federal intrusion in education by shutting down the U.S. Department of Education and ending Common Core. Trump’s growing support among social conservatives may come as a surprise to outside observers. However, a close look reveals his support for traditional marriage and a strong upbringing by his Scottish Presbyterian mother.
The momentum for Trump among evangelicals in the Palmetto State is not good news for Ted Cruz. Cruz, who was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2012, two years after Marco Rubio’s election in 2010, had pinned much of his hopes on evangelical support. However, recent revelations that he only renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014, as well as close to $1 Million in previously undisclosed loans from the likes of Goldman-Sachs and Citibank, together with a family connection to the Council on Foreign Relations, have begun to create a sense of “unease” with grass-roots evangelicals.
Cruz’s relationship and political financial backing from openly gay, hedge fund manager and Facebook angel investor, Peter Thiel is also a concern. Thiel is a member of the Bilderberg Group’s Steering Committee. The globalist Bilderberg Group has long been an anathema to conservatives. Longtime members include the late Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and David Rockefeller. Exposed by Phyllis Schlafly in her bestseller, “A Choice, Not An Echo,” Schlafly opined that the Bilderberg Group dominated the leadership of the GOP to keep true conservatives from getting the nomination. It explains why she has supported only those Republican Presidential candidates like Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, who couldn’t be influenced by the Bilderberg Group. And it probably explains, too, why in 2016 she says, “Donald Trump is the last hope for America.”