Deep State’s Revolutionaries in ‘Antifa’ Plotting Rebellion Against Trump Supporters
Antifa claims to be an anti-fascists movement and claims to be fighting against fascism, but their actions prove the opposite. Interestingly enough, the “Antifa” movement began in a few European countries in the 1920’s and expanded outward to other countries eventually reaching America. The modern-day Antifa movement is funded by the elites like George Soros, the Clintons and Barack Hussein Obama and first burst onto the scene was when they shut down gay conservative journalist Milo Yiannopoulos appearance at the University of California in alt-left Berkeley.
The new Antifa has proven by their actions who the real fascists are, and all they need to do is look in the mirror. Antifa considers themselves to be rebelling against the establishment, whilst upholding all of its ultra-politically correct views. Antifa only dislikes racism when it’s carried out by whites and do not have the bottle to stand up against anti-white racism. I just call them morons.
As hypocritical as Antifa is, the organization is proving to be quite a big problem in our country. They are progressively becoming more dangerous and bold as each day passes. The mainstream media portrays Antifa in a positive light claiming they are champions of justice, but just look at any raw footage of their “protests” and you will realize their actions resemble riots much more than an actual protest.
Recently, Antifa has begun to arm themselves and call for open rebellion against the United States Government, and more specifically, against President Trump and his supporters. Antifa tries to paint themselves as champions of minorities but only if those minorities agree with them.
An armed Antifa group is launching a new cell in Philadelphia, with support from the “alt-left” news media.
The group continues to offer their members and ‘contractors’ (hired and paid protesters) access to anti-police workshops called “Our Enemies in Blue.” The group draws inspiration from convicted murderers and calls for violence against the police, theft of goods, and armed insurrection.
Antifa Press Release
The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement has sought since its inception to spread nationwide, and create international connections to further the cause of abolitionism and revolutionary anarchism. Today, August 20, 2017, we are proud to announce the formation of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement – Philadelphia Branch (RAM Philly). With the growth of each new branch we inch ever closer to the day when we can realize our revolutionary aspirations, live in a world of true freedom, and decisively eradicate the abhorrence of 21st century slavery.
The struggle in the US seems like an unrelenting weight being pushed down on revolutionary forces, but that same force has been bearing down on criminalized communities for decades with no reprieve. Mosques are being ruthlessly bombed, state agencies and vigilante groups are deporting Latino people with relentless vigor, LGBTQ people are being battered, and the destruction of black life continues unabated as millions languish in the plantations of the modern day slave system.
Immersed in these struggles, against the state and its white supremacist militias, we are developing the capacity to liberate ourselves and others. We fight side by side with those facing state and reactionary violence and with each person we free from captivity the stronger we grow. As demonstrated by our resistance in Charlottesville, we will not cede one inch of ground to racists. As each new collective forms, we begin to create new political realities and continue the march together against white supremacy and for a dignified world.
We continue in the legacy of Philadelphia’s rich revolutionary tradition, demonstrated by Mumia Abu Jamal, Russell Maroon Shoatz, and the MOVE organization.
We are now establishing a revolutionary political movement that can confront the challenges ahead of us, and together with Philadelphia based comrades, we are taking one step closer.
Victory to Those Behind the Barricades!
Victory to Those Behind Prison Walls!
Victory to Revolutionary Forces!
Long live RAM Philly!
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