Black Pro-life Group Demonstrates at National Museum of African-American History by Rev. Clenard Childress
National Director Rev. Dr. Johnny Hunter stated, “We are concluding our demonstrations at two national land marks which are now covertly endorsing abortion and eugenics in America. Blacks are clearly targeted by this practice, theses subliminal coercion’s must cease.”To the disdain of many The National Portrait Gallery features the bust of Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood who many view as a devout racist and international eugenics engineer. She was commended by Hitler’s Third Reich for being a chief contributor to their eugenic operations which targeted Blacks and Jews in Germany for extermination. This is known today as the holocaust.
“In an age of political correctness and racial sensitivity how is it that Hillary Clinton proudly receives the Margaret Sanger award, stated Rev Dr. Clenard Childress.” Sanger stated, “colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated,” How can a person seeking the highest office in the land not be demanded to return that award back to Planned Parenthood? How can African Americans especially support such a candidate, its absurd?

The National African American History Museum recently opened its door to the public last month. Black pro-life activist and historians are stunned that their is no mention of eugenic practices perpetrated against African Americans by the government and the abortion industry. 52% of all African American pregnancies end in abortion, it is the most performed operation on women today. . African American’s make up 12.4% of the population but have 29% of abortions.
Rev. Childress stated, “How can you have 20 million African Americans missing directly due to abortion and have no mention of it in a Museum of African American History? It would be like the Jews not mentioning the Holocaust. African American’s don’t need another entity manipulating and contorting facts to fit their political agenda. Let the people know the truth.”
The itinerary for L.E.A.R.N’s 3 days of demonstrations can be viewed at