Black Civil Rights Leader Says ‘You Don’t Know History’ if You Vote for Biden: by Keely Sharp

Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden is punching the air after civil rights leader Clarence Henderson spoke at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday. He told viewers, “If you do vote for Biden, you don’t know history.”
That was in response to Biden’s remarks to African Americans during an interview in May, when he said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
“Walking into the Woolworth Department Store on February 2, 1960, I knew it was unlike any day I’d experienced before,” Henderson began. “My friends had been denied service the day before because of the color of their skin. We knew it wasn’t right. But when we went back the next day, I didn’t know whether I was going to come out in a vertical or prone position … in handcuffs going or on a stretcher — or even in a body bag.”
Henderson explained that’s what an “actual peaceful protest can accomplish.”
“It was the Republican Party that passed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery; it was the Republican Party that passed the 14th Amendment giving black men citizenship; and it was the Republican Party that passed the 15th Amendment giving Black men the right to vote,” he continued, “These achievements demonstrate that Donald Trump truly cares about black lives. His policies show his heart. He has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50!”
Henderson, a civil rights activist and military veteran, never even had a birth certificate. Yet he worked hard in life, and became the first in his family to graduate from a historically-black college (HBCU). He told viewers that President Donald Trump has done more for Americans in his four years than the Democrat Party has ever done.