“In newly released undercover video, Washington Post National Security Correspondent Dan Lamothe and Director of Product Joey Marburger admit to the paper’s hidden agenda. Evidently, covering Trump the way they do is good business, even though it’s fake news,” said citizen journalist and undercover investigative reporter James O’Keefe.
Investigative journalist James O’Keefe is often interviewed by OANN reporters and anchors such as Liz Wheeler.
According to founder and director of government and media watchdog Project Veritas James O’Keefe, undercover investigators deployed by O’Keefe at the Washington Post exposed that overrated newspaper’s anti-Trump mega-bias and its use of fake news to garner readers and national attention.
“It doesn’t seem to matter anymore if a story is true or false, as long as it’s getting advertisers to pay big-bucks and gets Americans to buy their newspapers. And what ever happened to news organizations maintaining their ‘absence of malice’ in their coverage?” asked security director and former federal law enforcement agent Meghan Salisbury. “Perhaps they know that today’s judges are more political in their opinions and that defamation and libel cases favor the news people,” she added.
James O’Keefe Premieres “Expose: Hollywood’s War on US Energy” at Cannes Hollywood celebrities caught on hidden camera accepting money from “Middle Eastern oil interests”
The Washington Post’s Aaron Davis and his crew come to Project Veritas HQ to find out about our upcoming American Pravda video investigations. He leaves after discovering Veritas has undercover video of Washington Post reporters.
Jim Kouri is a member of the Board of Advisors and a former vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc. a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in Florida in May 1967. The Association was organized for educational and charitable activities for law enforcement officers in command ranks and supervisory agents of state & federal law enforcement agencies as well as leaders in the private security sector. NACOP also provides funding to small departments, officers and the families of those officers paralyzed and disabled in the line of duty.
7 thoughts on “#AmericanPravda: Undercover Video Exposes Washington Post’s Hidden Agenda”
On the very day that James O’Keefe – Project Veritas begins to expose Washington Post, this WaPo story about Jaime Phillips allegedly planting fake news for Project Veritas is published.
(In the video there is no mention of Project Veritas, only that she failed to get a job at Daily Caller.)
If it were true, why would James O’Keefe retweet it himself? I think there’s a storm brewing over WaPo so big, they don’t even know the size of it.
Project Veritas’ undercover people in the MSM are not amateurs like this two-week-contact-with-WaPo-Ms. Phillips. They go in for months and record actual words by MSM employees. There is enough dirt to expose in the MSM, that there is no need to plant fake news like this Jaime Phillips setup.
Project Veritas acts with integrity. I think anyone falling for this dirty-tricks setup possibly by WaPo themselves sending Ms. Phillips to Project Veritas so that they can film her entering their office (pictures of which I have not seen), will soon eat crow. And it will backfire bigly on WaPo.
Project Veritas is about to release another WaPo exposé video within hours. I bet the 4 WaPo candidates are not sleeping well tonight.
And I still think the Jaime Phillips setup was a WaPo agent provocateur sent in to PV. One can tell from the pro-WaPo bots’ and commenters’ talking points what the projection is. “PV paid Jaime P to ….” could actually mean WaPo paid her.
Somewhere in the recent Twitter storm over the past 24 hours, I recall reading a pro-WaPo commenter mentioning a PV ad for 12 undercover journalists in defense of the Jaime Phillips saga. PV probably already knows the truth of it, but I’m surmising that’s when WaPo or David Brock’s people sent her in to PV. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the left hand doesn’t know what the other left hand is doing. Clowns falling over each other.
Ha, and McCain doesn’t know his left foot from his right.
Goodness, me. Excuse me for posting so much, but this is getting really exciting. Looks like the WaPo journalist, Beth Reinhard on November 28 at 10:44 PM, who was involved with the WaPo’s story re Jaime Phillips, is unwittingly outing the left’s setup.
Brad Woodhouse – Scott Foval – Robert Creamer – David Brock – Correct the Record – American Bridge connection to Jaime Phillips.
Project Veritas ad in March 2017
Jaime Phillips in basement of landlord Dem operative Woodhouse in July and in another property of his in August.
When did she first approach PV, I wonder.
Project Veritas’ latest on WaPo just got released.
Adam Entous, Nat’l Security Reporter, 50+ articles on Russia in 2017
Adam Entous – honest?
If he is AEWP and AE referred to in this May 2017 intercept of deepstate cabal, then he is being fed articles by the puerile Star Wars fetished cabal to attack Pres. Trump.
On the very day that James O’Keefe – Project Veritas begins to expose Washington Post, this WaPo story about Jaime Phillips allegedly planting fake news for Project Veritas is published.
(In the video there is no mention of Project Veritas, only that she failed to get a job at Daily Caller.)
If it were true, why would James O’Keefe retweet it himself? I think there’s a storm brewing over WaPo so big, they don’t even know the size of it.
Project Veritas’ undercover people in the MSM are not amateurs like this two-week-contact-with-WaPo-Ms. Phillips. They go in for months and record actual words by MSM employees. There is enough dirt to expose in the MSM, that there is no need to plant fake news like this Jaime Phillips setup.
Project Veritas acts with integrity. I think anyone falling for this dirty-tricks setup possibly by WaPo themselves sending Ms. Phillips to Project Veritas so that they can film her entering their office (pictures of which I have not seen), will soon eat crow. And it will backfire bigly on WaPo.
More astute analysis of the David vs Goliath saga. See the 10:57 am 28 Nov 2017 comment, too.
Project Veritas is about to release another WaPo exposé video within hours. I bet the 4 WaPo candidates are not sleeping well tonight.
And I still think the Jaime Phillips setup was a WaPo agent provocateur sent in to PV. One can tell from the pro-WaPo bots’ and commenters’ talking points what the projection is. “PV paid Jaime P to ….” could actually mean WaPo paid her.
We shall see.
Somewhere in the recent Twitter storm over the past 24 hours, I recall reading a pro-WaPo commenter mentioning a PV ad for 12 undercover journalists in defense of the Jaime Phillips saga. PV probably already knows the truth of it, but I’m surmising that’s when WaPo or David Brock’s people sent her in to PV. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the left hand doesn’t know what the other left hand is doing. Clowns falling over each other.
Ha, and McCain doesn’t know his left foot from his right.
The plot thickens.
Goodness, me. Excuse me for posting so much, but this is getting really exciting. Looks like the WaPo journalist, Beth Reinhard on November 28 at 10:44 PM, who was involved with the WaPo’s story re Jaime Phillips, is unwittingly outing the left’s setup.
Brad Woodhouse – Scott Foval – Robert Creamer – David Brock – Correct the Record – American Bridge connection to Jaime Phillips.
Brad Woodhouse – DNC – David Brock:
WaPo denies paying people for information, but that doesn’t mean some other leftist group didn’t do it on their behalf.
Ah, here is the source of the “12 undercover” reporters PV ad that I saw repeated by pro-WaPo commenter on Twitter. The Washington Post themselves.
Project Veritas ad in March 2017
Jaime Phillips in basement of landlord Dem operative Woodhouse in July and in another property of his in August.
When did she first approach PV, I wonder.
Project Veritas’ latest on WaPo just got released.
Adam Entous, Nat’l Security Reporter, 50+ articles on Russia in 2017
Adam Entous – honest?
If he is AEWP and AE referred to in this May 2017 intercept of deepstate cabal, then he is being fed articles by the puerile Star Wars fetished cabal to attack Pres. Trump.
In case the above analysis gets deleted, here are 4 jpgs of the intercept.