Alveda King: While All Not Endorsing, We Should All be Praying & Voting

In 2007, during the Presidential elections of the United States, I endorsed my last candidate, Governor Sam Brownback. When he left the campaign, I was about to endorse another candidate, Governor Mike Huckabee. Just as I was about to press the “send” button on the release, I was impressed to read my Bible. During those moments, it was as if God was speaking to my heart. “Stop endorsing, and start praying.”
Having been elected to office in the Georgia House of Representatives during the 1970’s and 1980’s, I understood the importance of political endorsements. I still do. So, for many years, especially since the time that God impressed me to pray for all candidates, and vote for the platforms that are closest to my heart and His Word, I have been voting prolife and pro-America. Messages like the sanctity of life, reconciliation of the one blood, the one human race; the sanctity of procreative monogamous; social economic justice; equal education rights; constitutional rights, and so much more continues to resonate in my heart as I prepare to vote.
I encourage you to view the video of Pastor Will Bates of Living Faith Christian Church in Baton Rouge regarding the death of a brave police officer, and my video at Fox Business News.
This year, during this important election, with a clear conscience, I am honoring my commitment to God to spend more time in prayer, rather than endorsing any candidates. Some are texting and posting that this is lack of courage. Believe me, it takes quite a bit of courage to stand up to the pressure of not endorsing, even to the point of being called a coward. However, I still love everyone, and I still love America.
Pastor Bates and I have something in common; he took his daughter to her first protest, my daddy Rev. A. D. King took me to mine; The Children’s March in Birmingham, Alabama. I have been peacefully protesting every since.
I pledge allegiance to the Kingdom of God, with a burning desire to be that city/nation on a hill, shining light to the world. I sing our National Anthem with gratitude, believing for that day when we can truly be one nation under God. May God bless us all!