Remember that old playground saying (assuming you’re within 50 years of me): “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That is what this entire brouhaha reminds me of – especially those Republican elected members that never liked supporting him and used these 2005 blatantly unacceptable (but private) statements to disavow him.
I suppose they believe that this will endear them with “voters back home” and, if applicable, assist them with reelection.
The problem is that they use “conscience” as their guide without explaining from whence their conscience came and tells me that we most likely do not have the same source from which to develop our final position instead of putting forth a not well thought out opinion.
My source in this instance is the Bible, and I find no examples of abandonment of someone because the apologized for a long past action that was just words and not physically substantiated by anyone actually hurt by his or her action(s) and not only his or her statements.
These actions of Republicans that no longer support Trump should be view in the context of who God selected to represent him after they contritely apologized: (1) Moses – Killed and was selected to lead the Jews our of Egypt; (2) King David – Jointly had an adulterous affair and the husband of his lover killed: (3) Paul – A “killer” of Jews and the most harsh condemner of those that accepted Christ as a risen savior.
If God operates as such, should we not also?
Not one of the people in the media or elected have directly been hurt by anything Donald Trump SAID (though their “feelings “may have been pricked, but they personally did not have any bones break as they were not hit by any “sticks and stones”).
I suggest we “be offended by what he said in the past and thankful that he no longer manifests those actions.
If God can forgive transgressions to one or more of his 10 commandments, so should we be able to forgive a past transgression of one of our sensibilities.
Finally, remember that the Bible states that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and only through his grace are able to be saved.
Let we, supporters of this DONALD TRUMP led MOVEMENT not allow this circumstance deter us from bringing about the change in the direction our government is headed for one that has a chance to be diametrically opposed to the status quo.