A vote for Trump gets U.S. law & order, victory over homegrown Islamists; A vote for Clinton disarms Americans’ and victimizes them, says the Gun Dean
“Let freedom-loving Americans commend the NRA for stating forthrightly that ‘a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the Second Amendment,'” said former National Rifle Association (NRA) editor and police advisor John M. Snyder on Thursday.

“It’s time for other pro-gun organizations and all law-aiding American firearm owners to get behind the Trump-Pence ticket,” he said. He proudly noted that the nation’s largest and most active organization for American military, law enforcement and civilian gun owners was one of the first groups to endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.
Snyder also warned on Thursday that “a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Australian-style firearms confiscation.”
While the Washington Post and New York Times continue to be anti-Second Amendment — as are the vast majority of men and women in the broadcast and print news media — the two major newspapers have labeled John Snyder the “Dean of Washington Gun Lobbyists” which he proudly accepts from the denizens of anti-Constitution media.
According to Snyder, who holds back nothing when debating political issues, “We live with escalating domestic violence. Radical black groups [such as Black Lives Matter] attack police officers. Brutal [homegrown] Islamists target Christians and Jews. Americans NEED guns for personal protection.”
He also strongly suggests that “Hillary [Clinton] favors Australian-style firearms confiscation. Prevent the Hillary Clinton self-defense disaster. Vote for Donald Trump for president.”
About 100 million Americans own approximately 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. For the last year and a half the number of firearms purchased by Americans has increased every month. Tens of millions of our people of all races own more guns than vote for the successful presidential candidate every four years. The United States civilian population is the most heavily armed civilian population in history, Snyder points out.
“The United States is gun country. It’s part of our national heritage of freedom and liberty. Anti-gun politicians, media reps, clergy, academicians and others should learn this lesson and learn it well,” said Snyder who serves on the advisory board of the 13,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).
Snyder also said, “Hillary supports semiautomatic gun registration, universal background checks on all firearms transfers, and subjection of firearms manufacturers and dealers to frivolous third party lawsuits.”
“Clinton, herself an attorney who bragged about getting a child-rapist acquitted, is throwing the American Bar Association and trial lawyers a huge bone with her gun-control agenda,” said former New York police detective Iris Aquino, who now trains women in self-defense including use of firearms.
Clinton Wants the U.S. to Emulate Australia
Clinton has cited Australia’s anti-gun law — a legally confiscatory policy — as “a good example” of gun control. The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of semiautomatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of guns. Then, the Australian police basically clamped down, going forward.
“If Clinton is elected president,” warns Snyder, “She will nominate to the [United States] Supreme Court justices who would rule to emasculate the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms.”
Snyder continued to commend the National Rifle Association on its final Donald Trump rating and endorsement for 2016. The NRA and other Second Amendment advocates pointed out that Trump supports American citizens’ right to self-defense. “Trump supports the Supreme Court’s decisions in the Heller and McDonald cases, which upheld that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms, and that the Washington, DC and Chicago IL guns bans were unconstitutional, the Gun Dean said.
The NRA noted Trump would nominate pro-gun justices to the Supreme Court. The organization also noted:
– That he supports right-to-carry reciprocity legislation, which would ensure that law-abiding Americans with valid concealed handgun permits can carry concealed in all 50 states;
– That he opposes a ban on commonly owned semiautomatic firearms used for hunting, recreational shooting, and self-defense;
– That he opposes a ban on commonly used magazines and any ban on ammunition designed, intended, and marketed for lawful purposes;
– That he believes any law-abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves wherever they have a legal right to be; and
– That he opposes the Obama/Bloomberg/Clinton so-called universal background check system that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms which, according to the Justice Department, is enforceable only through federal gun registration.
An NRA Life Member, Snyder has been named “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by the Washington Post and New York Times, “a champion of the right of self-defense” by the Washington Times, the “gun dean” by Human Events, and “the senior rights activist in Washington” by Shotgun News. The Trace recently designated him a power broker.
A practicing Catholic, Snyder holds AB and MA degrees in government from Georgetown University. He has been an NRA magazine editor and official of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation. He directs Telum Associates, LL.C, and serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America and American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.